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Newbie sewer needs help!
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on Apr 23, 2011 (Read 6237 times | Comments: 12)
I just got a sewing machine (well, ok, I got it at Christmas) and have learned the basics. But where can I go online to get free patterns for crafts, clothes, etc? I found a few websites that have sewing patterns and crafts, but they are difficult to use. Any websites you would recommend?

on Apr 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Burda has patterns for clothing. Sew Mama Sew has many tutorials for crafty things. In addition, many sewists have blogs and offer tutorials for bags, purses, children's clothing and other crafts. I would just do a google blog search for "purse tutorial" or whatever it is you want to make. Most of the tutorials have step by step photo instructions. Happy sewing!

on Apr 26, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would check out http://dana-made-it-reviews.blogspot.com/ under her tutorials section (she is amazing!), or http://www.made-by-rae.com/ for her free patterns. These two blogs alone are phenomenal and I recommend following them regularly because they will also highlight other great blogs occasionally.

on May 02, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Check out JoAnn stores too.....they often run specials on the patterns. The local store will sell McCalls or Simplicity or Butterick (they alternate weekends for each one) for $1.99 each, regardless of the actual cover price. Worth checking out. I don't recommend making your own patterns, or trying to draw them to scale off the net, until you have more experience.

on May 07, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am in the same boat I am still learning how to sew but i am doing patterns and loving it

on Nov 30, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm brand new at sewing also

on Dec 01, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Purlsoho.com is a great crafting website. Amy Butler's website also has free patterns available. Stores like Hobby Lobby, JoAnn's and Hancock Fabrics (don't know what you have in your area) will have sales often on their patterns-sometimes for just 99 cents...this is when I stock up. The library is also an excellent resource for sewing and crafting books that often contain patterns. Again, Amy Butler has some good books and there are many others. You might also have a Community Education resource where you can take additional sewing classes for a specific project being offered (like t-shirt quilts)-usually held for an expensive amount at your local high school.Sewing is a great way to express your creativity, socialize and reduce stress. There might even be a sewing club in your community where you can gain additional knowledge and ideas. You might enjoy cross-stitching and crochet and knitting as well! Happy stitching!

on Dec 01, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I apologize-I meant INEXPENSIVE in regard to community education programs...

on Jan 09, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi Ladies, although I have sewn a bit. I am all about easy & free patterns and also tutorials. I post & share about them on my site. I have a tag cloud, archives, search on site. My most resent find was a tutorial for an apron from a tea towel & market bag. Feel free to pop by to see the many I have found & shared. Good tutorials don't need patterns to get great results. They explain how to cut & where to sew on simple projects which are always great for learning & / or quick projects that are easy to sew. Feel free to visit, @ DearCreatives.com

on Feb 13, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a sewing machine and haven't started using it yet. I found a sewing center in my area offering "newbie" classes (I didn't get in til the April class), maybe you can find similar classes in your area. I am looking forward to it. Also, thank you for this post as I appreciate all the other comments here!!

on Aug 10, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

google DIY easy sewing ideas and lots of things will come up. The best thing to do is make little pillowcase dresses or bags. Just playing around with your sewing machine will help. Also read up on different needles, threads and their uses. That helped me alot. JoAnn stores also give classes for beginners. Pinterest is a great place to go for free patterns and easy to do projects.
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