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Chapped lips & dry skin... Help!
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on Feb 09, 2011 (Read 61669 times | Comments: 69)
Hello Ladies, I need some help or advice on some good lip balm, chap stick and some really good lotion or body cream. I recently moved to Albuquerque, NM. And boy oh boy... this weather is terrible on my skin! I've never had such dry skin in my life. I have been trying so many different products but nothing seems to be helping me. Any advice or know of any good non greasy products that I can use? Any tip's would be helpful :o) Thank you!

on Jan 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

*dryer place. sorry.

on Jan 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use Jergen's lotion with a touch of self tanner and CarMex lip balm. I put the lotion on after I dry off from a shower and it really helps moisturize my skin for the whole day. If I see my skin is starting to become dryer in the winter I will put it on before bed too. Vaseline products are excellent lotions and lip balms too.

on Jan 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Plain old vaseline is a lifesaver not only for dry lips, but also hands, feet, etc. My hands get so dry from all of the hand washing I have to do at my job and the cold winter weather, but putting a good coating on before bed completely revives them by morning!

on Jan 03, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

What works for me on the lips is Rosebud salve,you could find at Sephora. For the hands I have also tried everything but what I do is at night I apply coconut oil (organic) all over my hands after a good hand scrub. For the day time I apply any hand cream. As long as you moisturize often you shouldn't have to use expensive creams.

on Mar 14, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I found that Blistex's Medicated Mint Balm works best for my dry, chapped lips. It's so cheap, too (around $.97 at Target)! As for a body lotion, I'd recommend Jergen's Skin Firming Daily Toning Moisturizer. It's a thick formula that dries fast, and it smells clean and fresh.

on Mar 14, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love the Body Shop Vitamin E line. I use the night moisturizer, body cream and hand lotion. They are not to heavy and are long lasting. I've recommended this to others and they also love it. I also use Caldrea Herbs of Provence hand lotion. This is light and non greasy...smells good also. Or, for or a little more moisture just put a few drops of vitamin E oil in whatever lotion or body cream you currently use...it works!! For dry lips I simply use vaseline...a little goes a long way so don't overdo it.

on Mar 27, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you tried body oils like coconut oil, almond oil,etc. I have dry skin especially in the colder weather and what I do is when I get out of the shower I use sweet Almond oil instead of body lotion and that has made a great difference. For the patches on my face I use coconut oil even though it's an oil it doesn't leave my skin oily. You should Google these oils and others and videos even them a try and see if you like them. Good luck

on Apr 03, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Nivea has great lip balms and they are not sticky feeling as some. As for a body lotion/cream, try the new gud by Burt's Bees. It is lightweight, silky and feels so fresh and smooth, not to mention the great scent! I like Victoria's Secret lotions because they have avocado oil in them and that is great for dry or sensitive skin.

on Apr 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Avoid petro products! They only coat the skin and provide no moisture. The oils most like natural skin oils and thus, more readily absorbed by the skin are jojoba and sweet almond. Kiss My Face is a reasonably priced brand of products that are for sale in natural health stores and some drug stores.
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