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Chapped lips & dry skin... Help!
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on Feb 09, 2011 (Read 61795 times | Comments: 69)
Hello Ladies, I need some help or advice on some good lip balm, chap stick and some really good lotion or body cream. I recently moved to Albuquerque, NM. And boy oh boy... this weather is terrible on my skin! I've never had such dry skin in my life. I have been trying so many different products but nothing seems to be helping me. Any advice or know of any good non greasy products that I can use? Any tip's would be helpful :o) Thank you!

on Sep 29, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks I have been wanting to try EOS lip balm. My lips are sooo dry from my medications, have tried many products on the market.

on Sep 30, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use Mary Kay lip mask and lip balm and it works great. It got rid of my dry lips and peeling. It truly is a wonder product.

on Oct 03, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi there! I can help! The Mary Kay Satin Lips Mask and Satin Lips Balm has saved my life! It is by far the best product I've found on the market to help with chapped and pealing lips. It is amazing and only takes minutes! The Mask gently exfoliates your lips and the balm is soothing. I use it every week and I have both female and male friends who also swear by it. You can order it online at http://www.marykay.com/kimwacker/skincare/lipeyecare/10033375/10033375/default.aspx.

on Oct 07, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

EOS lip balm is fantastic! I keep one on my desk & one on my nightstand. I also carry in my purse Rosebud salve, they make a tube version which is very handy & convenient. I also use Argan oil, its natural & organic. I rub some on my lips before bed, actually I use the Argan oil for everything, I love it. Its multi purpose: face, hands, body, cuticles, hair. Just use sparingly, you don't want to see an oil slick, just rub it in until its absorbed, you will feel very hydrated but never oily or sticky. Try it.

on Oct 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like Nivea or Aquaphor for lips, those work best for me.

on Oct 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have this problem during the colder months too but I also have very sensitive skin. The alcohol and perfumes in most lotions reek havoc on my skin. Any sugestions for someone like me?

on Oct 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

i also live in a cold climate here in upstate ny. i used to have terrible troubles with my lips and skin. here are two items that WORK and are very affordable. for your lips, vitamin E oil. my husband is in the environmental field and i will tell you two things, chap stick is addiciting and does not work long term. vaseline, although may work is petroleum jelly. petroleum is oil !! ( like the kind you use in your car) vitamin E is natural and works better than vaseline. for your dry skin two things while in the shower rub a cheap conditioner ( i use suave) on your skin and then rinse. and i have tried every lotion possible and the only one that works for me. creamy baby oil. either johnson & johnson or wal mart brand works well.

on Oct 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I really like Tarte's Lip Stain Pencil with LipSurgence during the day! It has a beautiful shine because it goes on like gloss and then stains your lips! It isn't like other lip stains in that it does not dry; it actually moisturizes lips! For my hands, I use Neutrogena's Fragrance Free Hand Lotion. At night I use Aquaphor on my lips and Bath and Body Works' True Blue Spa Lay It on Thick on my hands. Best of luck!

on Jan 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have beyond dry skin and lips esp. in the winter. Try rose salve(I got mine at bath and body works) on your lips and cetephil( I got mine a costco) cream on your body. It is so good for your skin

on Jan 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

The other thing to consider is that you are in a much dryer plae all of the time. Make sure you are drinking your water in addition to all these great tips! I agree about finding shea butter products as well. I honestly find blistex (The chapstick style) most affordable. Believe if or not, St. Ives makes a good cocoa butter moisturizer. Inexpensive and good.
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