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Chapped lips & dry skin... Help!
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on Feb 09, 2011 (Read 61679 times | Comments: 69)
Hello Ladies, I need some help or advice on some good lip balm, chap stick and some really good lotion or body cream. I recently moved to Albuquerque, NM. And boy oh boy... this weather is terrible on my skin! I've never had such dry skin in my life. I have been trying so many different products but nothing seems to be helping me. Any advice or know of any good non greasy products that I can use? Any tip's would be helpful :o) Thank you!

on Sep 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you tried Nivea products...they have various types of lotions & creams plus their lipbalm cannot be beat. In my opinion you can't go wrong.

on Sep 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

This will sound nuts but I use Lansinoh nipple cream on my lips. It stays on forever and is super moisturizing. A friend of mine told me about it. She works in photography/TV and swore by it, since it looks like a gloss, is nourishing for your lips and lasts forever. I used it on my son when he was in a licking his lips phase and looked like a clown. Cleared it up in a few days.

on Sep 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

If your lips are already chapped try Aquaphor ointment. A little goes a long way. I use this myself on my lips, nose even my elbows. Aquaphor works wonders on my sons' chapped lips and noses. Especially during cold season. Aquaphor is truly a miracle product. It seems to promote healing very quickly and has no odor or taste. Once your lips are healed use any type of lip product of your choice. I enjoy using Chapstick, Neutrogena naturals lip balm, and the tinted Burt Bees' sticks. Hope that helps!

on Sep 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

The chapstick medicated is pretty good for dry lips (and it's cheap!) but for dry skin I ALWAYS use Gold Bond ultimate healing. It's almost six dollars a bottle for the name brand, but I have used the Wal-Mart version (about 4 bucks) and it works just as good. There's no hot water in the workrooms where I am, and my hands get so dry in the winter they crack open and I use the Gold Bond every day and they heal up in no time. It's worth the money even if you buy the name brand.

on Sep 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Dry Skin/Dry Lips......Try Jergens Shea Butter lotion for your dry skin. I received a sample last year and have been buying it ever since. You might also try putting on baby oil after you bathe just lightly. For your lips try Carmex.

on Sep 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My family loves Aquaphor for really dry, cracked, or irritated skin. They even have it available in various sizes. I carry one in my purse and our oldest daughter keeps one in her gym bag. Aquaphor offers chapstick as well.

on Sep 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use Burt's Bee's and love their products as well as using Queen Helene cocoa butter, but my dermatologist warned me about the fact that if I use gloss or oils daily, my lips would become 'dependent' and then I will need to keep finding more and more product, but it has not happened yet, so good luck

on Sep 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Bliss Body Butter is Heaven in a tube for dry skin! You can get it from Sephora or Nordstrom. If you have a Nordstrom Rack you may be able to find it 1/2 price. I also really like Aveeno lotion and Aveeno Shower Oil. It leaves your skin super soft and moist, but not greasy. For lips, I like the Rosebud Salve too and also the new Neutrogena natural lip balm is also great. Remember to keep your water temperature tepid-not hot to help seal in moisture. You may need to add a humidifier-especially as the weather cools and you are having to run the heater.

on Sep 29, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like the Bert's Bees for my lips and Vaseline Intensive Lotion for my body, really works great on dry feet.

on Sep 29, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Nothing works better for dry skin than a nice bath and to rub yourself with "baby scented Vaseline". I have used vaseline in the winter time for my entire life and my skin is always smooth and pliable. I learned this trick from my father who had the BEST skin I have ever seen on a man.
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