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Chapped lips & dry skin... Help!
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on Feb 09, 2011 (Read 61667 times | Comments: 69)
Hello Ladies, I need some help or advice on some good lip balm, chap stick and some really good lotion or body cream. I recently moved to Albuquerque, NM. And boy oh boy... this weather is terrible on my skin! I've never had such dry skin in my life. I have been trying so many different products but nothing seems to be helping me. Any advice or know of any good non greasy products that I can use? Any tip's would be helpful :o) Thank you!

on Sep 07, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

The best possible thing you can use is Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant helps with dry lips and skin. Just use a small dab and you will notice a difference after one use. I recommend you use it at night because it can be greasy. Remember a little bit goes a long way.

on Sep 09, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I recommend Burts Bees for lips.

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My skin is really dry and I am allergic to alcohol and fragrance in products. I was using vaseline, but my sister-in-law who is a RN, told me to use crisco oil, because it absorbs in the skin better than vaseline. I was hesitant at first, but tried it and it works great. If you use a small amount and rub it in well it is not greasy. I put it on before going to bed.

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I moved to Albuquerque a few decades ago and I can tell you that the very best thing you can do is to drink lots and LOTS of water. Keeping hydrated from the inside out is your best bet. Then using a mild soap that has moisturizers, such as dove. For lips and skin I've found that nivea lip balm and lotion is the BEST for our weather out here. One other staple you'll want to add is a bottle of "Ocean" nasal spray to keep your nasal passages hydrated. Using the Ocean will prevent nose bleeds until your body adjusts to the high desert altitudes. For your hair I suggest WEN. WEN also has a line of body moisturizers but I find that using the much less expensive Nivea lotion does the trick just fine.

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use the Sugar Lip Treatment products from Sephora. You can get it with or without tint, and it comes with SPF 15 in it. Its very non-greasy, and works great!

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would exfoliate really well, get you a good gentle exfoliating bodywash. I swtich to very thick moisturizers when the temperatures start affecting my skin. Nivea has some really, good thick creams that feel really good. I also like the Dial lotion. The only thing I use for exfoliating my lip is the BeautiControl lip exfoliating product. All year round I will wear Carmex, Softlips, or Chapstick.

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

When its really bad-- I use vaseline-- its the only thing that works... I also make sure to apply moisturizer right after a shower, it absorbs better and I put vaseline on my lips right before bed. I"m soft all over when i wake up!

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

You should be drinking plenty of water too. I'm in Colorado so I feel your pain about how dry it can be. Being above sea level necessitates drinking lots of water - daily.

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have used coco butter for a long time and it really works. I also use Blistex on my lips and find that both can keep me mosturized for longer than regular things.

on Sep 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

you should try curel sensitive skin lotion.
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