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Chapped lips & dry skin... Help!
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on Feb 09, 2011 (Read 61670 times | Comments: 69)
Hello Ladies, I need some help or advice on some good lip balm, chap stick and some really good lotion or body cream. I recently moved to Albuquerque, NM. And boy oh boy... this weather is terrible on my skin! I've never had such dry skin in my life. I have been trying so many different products but nothing seems to be helping me. Any advice or know of any good non greasy products that I can use? Any tip's would be helpful :o) Thank you!

on Jun 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have terrible dry skin. Since I had roseola as a baby it caused to have very dry skin so I'm constantly looking for new lotions that help moisturize my skin and not leave it looking greasy. A great lotion I've found is the Gold Bond Ultimate healing skin therapy cream. It says it helps heal problem skin, and it contains vitamins A, C & E, penetrates fast, non-greasy, and has a fresh clean scent. For your dry chapped lips, I get them a lot in the winter here in GA, but I take a little bit of sugar and mix it with a dab of olive oil, and rub it in circular motions, this helps remove the dead skin and moisturize your lips. Hope this helps! =)

on Jun 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am partial to Aveeno Skin Relief--my ob recommended it when I got itchy during my first pregnancy. And I swear by the Fresh Sugar product line for lips. There are 3 tinted and one clear lip balms and an exfoliating lip scrub.

on Jun 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you tried Fresh Sugar Lip Scrub? It is exfoliating and moisturizing. I love it! I also love Moroccan Oil for my hair.

on Jun 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

cetaphil --for body. (recommended by derm,n tried ,tested,works great!) burt's bees lipbalms,lipgloss .

on Jun 16, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I LOVE Josie Maran Argan Lip Treatment. It is so smooth, smells great and does the job for chapped or dry lips. I keep it all around the house. Also, her Argan Oil Moisturizing Stick works well. You can get small sizes to carry in your purse. She also has colors that also work on the lips and as blush. I also use the Argan Oil Moisturizing Stick, clear on my hands, face, everywhere. It gives great moisturizing, goes on easy and is not oily, especially on the hands and face. Her Argan Oil that comes in a bottle with an eye dropper is also great for the face, hands or where ever you have dry skin. You can buy it online. Just type in Josie Maran and you can shop around to find the best price. The large stick lasts a long time and so does the lip treatment. You don't need to use much. You will find one of these products in every room of my house.

on Aug 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like burts bees lip balm (original and pomegranate) and I buy cold pressed organic coconut oil and use it as a body moisturizer. It is natural and smells like a vacation. It melts with body heat and absorbs quickly. It is the closest oil in composition to your body's natural oil secretions so it moisturizes amazingly. I threw away all my lotion and have a dozen people hooked. Just be careful for allergies or sensitivities to coconut.

on Aug 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My absolute favorite lip protector is EOS! I'm the kind of girl that has to try out every chapstick (I'm like a chapstick horder LOL) and EOS is by far the best. It comes in fun shaped ball allowing the perfect application each time, It moisturizes your lips without feeling heavy or greasy. You dont need to apply frequently because it lasts for a long time! ... As for lotion, my favorite lotions are Bath and Body Works body creams. I love a great thick moisturizing lotion, and body creams from BBW are just that! Thy're perfect because although they are a thicker consistency your pore dont feel clogged, it breathes nicely, and keeps your legs looking smooth. Let us know which you choose and how it works! :)

on Aug 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

For your skin try Kae 100% Argan Oil. It is extremely high in Vitamin E and other super skin enhancing moisturizers. They have free shipping with the promotion code FREESHIP. You can find Kae at Xandra Renouvelle. And whatever you do, don't buy the fake Moroccanoil for your hair. People get confused by their misleading name as it is 99% synthetics i.e. silicones with a drop of so of argan oil simply for the advertising hype.

on Aug 28, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Use aquaphor for your lips and anywhere else that is dry. Aquaphor will heal your lips in less then a day and make them super soft! Aquaphor can be a little greasy with the other parts of your body but it will heal them, so i suggest using it before bed and let it soak in all the way. I promise you, you will have flawless skin!

on Sep 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Dr Oz made a good point on his show about his badly chapped lips and the mistake he was making. He was using a lip product with SPF 24 hr. He then was told to switch to a moisturizing lip product for the night (no spf in it) and use an SPF one only when going outside. I tried this tip, made a huge difference. :)
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