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Expecting baby number 3, any advice?
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on Dec 28, 2010 (Read 27301 times | Comments: 38)
Hello, my usband and I are expecting the arrival of our third child. I was wondering if any of you ladies have any uggetions, advice, useful tips or children's items, etc. that you can share with me. I've heard from some that going from one child to two is harder than two children to three. On the other hand, one couple said two was manageable and three seemed like a hundred!

on Dec 08, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congrats to you too JustMissAsh!!! I have all boys I don't know how a girl would go but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. Don't worry too much that you don't enjoy, they can get crazy sometimes lol. I know I'm never bored often.

on Dec 09, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks Flarelady. Lol all boys...I bet that's a blast. Boys are fun. So are girls, but more needy I think lol. Kids are never boring plain and simple. Lol

on Dec 30, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

While I can not give much advice, I am actually in this same boat! I am expecting baby #3 in about two months and I've heard the same thing... that going from 1 to 2 is the hardest, and 2 to 3 is easier. I feel like it is still going to be a rough transition as my youngest right now is 1 and is still a baby! I feel like the transition for her will be harder than it will for my 3 year old son.

on Jan 05, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Three is fun.. just try to balance mommy time so the other two dont get jealous. Also dont expect this one to be anything like the other two in personality or temperment, they are all so very different. I have 6 kids altogether, only my two youngest are with me full time and I swear they are all so different and unique. There will be time you want to pull your hair out and times you cant imagine life without any of them. You just got to remember to stay relaxed and breathe because there will be days you will be over whelmed. A routine is the best way to manage this. It helps so much to have all the kids on a routine with wake up times, breakfast, lunch, dinner, naps and bedtime. They know what to expect and behave a little better.

on Jan 14, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

It depends on the age difference. My older two are 18 months apart and with my third there is a 7 year and 6 year gap. It is hard dividing up time for them because the baby is so demanding, but other than that it is not too hard. I was actually scared out of my mind of becoming a family of five. But the older two are great with the baby and very helpful. My middle child even changed the babies diaper once. I think the thought itself is more overwhelming than the actual transition. You will do fine.

on Jan 15, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree with you! The age gap certainly makes a difference. Mine are 9, 3 & 1. Going from one to two was nothing, because my daughter was at school and i had the alone time with the baby. But going from 2 to 3 was a bit more difficult because there was going to be exactly two years between them. (they shared a due date and have consecutive birthdays.) I think it also has to go with the personalities of the children. My oldest is so independent and helpful. I really couldn't have asked for a better oldest child. My second oldest is very easy going and doesn't ask for much. Of course, he needs but it makes it easier that it can be on my terms. My youngest is quite the baby. I just mean that they are a little more 'mommy dependent.' My advice is to just remember that they aren't this young forever. Remember to breath and to insure that you take time for yourself. Good luck!

on Jul 06, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 2 but from what I understand, if you can master 2, 3 is a snap!

on Feb 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have three children that have an amazing relationship with both myself and each other. I followed a few "rules" that I think really helped my kids bond and not be resentful. Ages now 18, 17, 14. 1) I made sure they were involved with the baby from conception. We talked about the baby, they read stories with the baby and basically were involved in every step that made sense prior to delivery so the new baby became "their" baby. 2) I established a 48 hour rule on toys. For the first 48 hours of a new toy given, only the child who received the toy could play with that toy unless the child decided to share. This put power into their hands to control what happened with their new toy. 3) Each month, each child would have one day, activity, with Mom - alone. We'd go to the movies, go have lunch, go to the park. I would allow them to pick what they wanted to do with Mom (within reason), then we'd go do it so they had their "alone" time with Mom.
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