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Expecting baby number 3, any advice?
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on Dec 28, 2010 (Read 27298 times | Comments: 38)
Hello, my usband and I are expecting the arrival of our third child. I was wondering if any of you ladies have any uggetions, advice, useful tips or children's items, etc. that you can share with me. I've heard from some that going from one child to two is harder than two children to three. On the other hand, one couple said two was manageable and three seemed like a hundred!

on Sep 29, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I recently had my 3rd baby, our first boy. We started out buying/receiving baby boy items. My kids were 4 and 2 1/2 when he was born and it seems easier with three but that is because my two girls can play with each and help out with the baby when I need to. I have a schedule that I make sure stays the same, it helps with the hassle in the morning getting my oldest to school and when getting them ready for bed and keeping them in bed. Schedule was a key thing for me after having baby number 3. I think it was harder with 2 than with 3!! Congrats on baby number 3 and enjoy the hospital stay! It was relaxing and a little min vacation!

on Feb 23, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 6 kids and each kid is different and like the others said, include the older ones in every aspect. There is arguments, but my kids really adore each other. As for baby products, I prefer diapers such as Seventh Generation and Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash by Eart Mama Angel Baby (a sm. co. here in Clackamas Oregon that sells in stores).

on Jun 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Dont forget to make the older kids feel special after the baby comes home b/c everyone will be focusing on the new addition and the older kids may feel left out and start to act up. I have 4 kids and its hard to give them each my undivided attention but i try my best. Dont stress over it though, kids are resillent! Congrats!

on Jun 05, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 4 kids with the youngest 2 only 11 months apart..mone are 12,7,2,1...cut down on things you don"t need ask for diapers instead of toys for the new baby etc..you can use the diapers way sooner than the baby will need toys..remember what yo didn"t use the first two times and don"t get those items sounds silly but streamlining can help a lot.

on Jun 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Do not associate a number with the child. Whether it is your first baby or last, treat the baby the same. I am sure that you will feel you did or do more activities with your first baby but do not let that happen. Each baby is special and make sure you treat each one the same. Good luck and enjoy your family!

on Jun 14, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 3 and there are days that it seems like there is never enough time. What has helped me the most is to keep the amount of toys and clothes they need to what they actually use so things don't get to cluttered. Have meals and snacks planned ahead of time or fall backs that are quick and easy and lots of talking with your husband :)

on Jun 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

i have a little boy thats 2 and a half years old and a little 7 month old baby girl and i just found out that im pregnant with my 3rd child i see and take this as a blessing... i have a wonderful husband that provides for us and helps me out alot as well as are family supports us and are so happy... i always wanted my kids to come close in age... im a young mom but proud so my advice is to love ur kids because thats the best thing a parent could give thier kids

on Jul 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I too am pondering on this exact question and still am thinking ok!! me and my husband might go for child #3! my son is 6 and my daughter is 3 so be time the baby will be born they will be 4 and 7 and i should be ok as well as the children and i think you will be ok depending on thier ages as well!!

on Feb 10, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congrats! Just enjoy it. I'm dying for a third :)

on Feb 19, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 5 children (4 girls,1 boy) with the longest age space being 2 1/2 years). It CAN be a handful at times,no doubt. But its not entirely all chaos. Each older child teaches the younger ones(meaning my younger ones imitate and learn from the older ones). With potty training,it makes things 10xs easier when little sister sees big sister using the big potty and wants to do it themselves now. My girls ride the same bus and keep each other safe.The older ones look out for the younger ones. There is NEVER a dull moment in my house. The only downfall I can actually see,and have experienced is getting them all dressed and out to the car is like trying to chase down a bunch of crazed turkeys.Thank goodness my yard is fenced because one they hit the grass,they all scatter and think its tons of fun being chased down lol. (only at home though,they are good in public places). A few extra sleepless nights do not outweigh the amazing times I have with all 5 of my kiddos.Its amazing.
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