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Expecting baby number 3, any advice?
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on Dec 28, 2010 (Read 27299 times | Comments: 38)
Hello, my usband and I are expecting the arrival of our third child. I was wondering if any of you ladies have any uggetions, advice, useful tips or children's items, etc. that you can share with me. I've heard from some that going from one child to two is harder than two children to three. On the other hand, one couple said two was manageable and three seemed like a hundred!

on Dec 28, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

It depends on the ages of the kids. My oldest was 10 when I had my 2nd child so it wasn't so bad. Then when my 2nd child was 2 I had my last child. Sometimes having kids close in age is a blessing other times it's a curse. Like right now. My 7 and 9 year old are throwing Connect 4 pieces all over the dining room while I'm waiting for the hubby to come home. Sigh the things kids do when they are bored.

on Dec 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Just enjoy baby number 3, my kids are separated by a few years, all boys it made my last one grow up real fast he wanted to be like his older brothers. Just enjoy the new baby and it all falls into place.

on Dec 30, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

it's awesome. definately overwhelming, but so much fun! I agree with cathyjo319 - enjoy the baby !

on Mar 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Said my friend with 9- after 3 it's the same, only evens are easier than odds. I have 5, I agree. Only three simple steps when you have three. (seems there's one more step for each child you have...) 1) Enjoy them in youth. No matter how you try, the memories fail, except an exquisite few. 2) Do not pile all misbehaviors together. Pay attention to who is having a bad day and help them (& thus yourself) through it, be extra nice. Keep in mind that another is being especially good. 3) The middle child. No syndrome- just feelings. Unless your children are right up on top of eachother in age, the middle child will likely feel unappreciated since they can't do 'big kid' things, and like they're too old to be coddled as the younger one. Be sensitive to that. (As soon as I forget to remember, my middle has no qualm in reminding me one way or another.) If you remember these three little things, you'll do just fine. Congratulations, and have fun!!!

on May 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

you will be fine i have 3 1 is 16 the other is 12 and my last is 5 my older one always helped with the second and the second one helped with the third so dont worry its not that bad t the transition just take it in stride

on May 21, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree that it all depends on the age of your kids. Mine were 5 and 2 (but turned 3 the very next day) when #3 was born. The older 2 were old enough to understand when I said you need to go play while I feed the baby or put the baby down for a nap. Plus, the 2 year old was already out of diapers so I didn't also have that burden. You'll find your groove and you and your husband will figure out the best routine. Now that my kids are 7, 4 and 1, I find it harder than when #3 was first born. It's hard for me to carve out special one-on-one time with just #1 or #2 because I always have #3 with me. When #3 starts getting into something or running off, I have to stop what I am doing with the older kids. I feel bad about that. So my husband and I schedule one-on-one time with each child. That's enjoyable! Congrats on baby #3. You will quickly forget what life was like as a family of 4 :)

on May 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 8 kids.... they range in age from 29 to 7 and honestly I am among those that think 2 is much harder than 3. For me, the baby sling was indispensable because it allowed me to do everything I needed to do, and still "rock" the baby. Good luck!

on May 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Congratulations Luzecita! I have 3 children my two oldest children are in middle school and my youngest is under one year. If you have a planned out schedule then everything will eventually fall into place. I don't think it really matters how old your children already are as long as you are on some kind of schedule. My children are much older and they can help out. However if they were not older and couldn't help out I would still be able to do what I am doing now because of the schedule I follow. A schedule worked well when they were much littler. Once you find out what works for you things won't be so overwhelming. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and I hope you have a short labor and delivery and your baby is healthy.

on Jul 07, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

my experience is like cathyjo319. I have 3 boys 9,5, 20m, my youngest never really seemed to be a baby, he rolled over early, crawled early, and walked at 8 months...he wanted to keep up with his siblings. My oldest really enjoys him, but the middle one sees him as a Competitor. Schedules work well, and always keep them busy. It can be hectic sometimes, but well worth it...i cant imagine life without one of my little guys! :).....Oh and enjoy the hospital stay!!! it's like a mini vacation!

on Sep 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think you will do just fine. Just make sure your older children feel included. I have 3 children myself, all four years apart. I love my little big family and I am sure you will too. Children are such a blessing. I agree with Debra about the schedule, that has been the glue that has kept things running smoothly in our house. We deviate from it now and then for special things but everyone knows what to expect generally. And one of those things that we always do is eat at the table together. Good luck!
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