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Work place drama! to leave or not to leave?
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on Oct 04, 2010 (Read 7742 times | Comments: 25)
I need help or advise badly unless i will feel that my head will explode. I don't even know where to begin discribing the environment at my work place! very NOT DIVERSE, very unprofessional, toxic environment. I know the economy isn't too good and i have tried so hard to find another job, but this is so harsh and unberable. I get yelled at a lot even when i didn't do anything wrong! its like i have a "pick on me" magnet. I can't talk to my co workers because they don't listen to reason as well as almost always talk over me because they think being loud gets the point accross. Should i leave, be jobless for god knows how long? or should i be greatful that i have a job and stick with it and be misrable? has anyone experienced this and gotten out? there is so much i wanted to say but there isn't enough space to say it all! i want to leave on a good note too! :( advise is highly appreciated!
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