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Work place drama! to leave or not to leave?
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on Oct 04, 2010 (Read 7741 times | Comments: 25)
I need help or advise badly unless i will feel that my head will explode. I don't even know where to begin discribing the environment at my work place! very NOT DIVERSE, very unprofessional, toxic environment. I know the economy isn't too good and i have tried so hard to find another job, but this is so harsh and unberable. I get yelled at a lot even when i didn't do anything wrong! its like i have a "pick on me" magnet. I can't talk to my co workers because they don't listen to reason as well as almost always talk over me because they think being loud gets the point accross. Should i leave, be jobless for god knows how long? or should i be greatful that i have a job and stick with it and be misrable? has anyone experienced this and gotten out? there is so much i wanted to say but there isn't enough space to say it all! i want to leave on a good note too! :( advise is highly appreciated!

on Jan 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just wanted to refer you to a blog I know of if you decide to leave your job. It is called jibjobs.blogspot.com - they have info about various job boards where you can post your resume and look for jobs, and they also give out a freebie every day. Good Luck!

on Jan 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

thank you those who responded. I really appreciate it. transfering internally is out of the question. the HR personel and the director are like best friends, so she would tattle to my director if she see's my name pop up in the system as looking. either way, i have finally decided my next step. I am going back to school and leaving this place. never have i ever felt such a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. :) every time they treat me bad now, i just think of how i would get back at them when i leave. who whould so 3 peoples work load for such a low pay now? i guess i got the last laugh. :)

on Sep 19, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

does your job have an HR department? is there an official chain of command? if you cannot resolve the issue yourself it is perfectly ok to move up the ladder...

on Oct 05, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Im right there with you now! It isnt even people I directly work with but Supervisors of the unit. It is like I have to beg to use my vacation time even if it is an emergency situation! I bust my butt at work and then when they are riding me while letting the others who sleep at their desk, spend more time surfing the net than working, constantly make errors and rarely complete their work get away with it! So you are punishing the hardest worker you have?? I complain and then get written up for insubordination!! Now I cannot even defend myself if I feel wronged??!!!!! I am fed up with this place but the looming debt curbs my enthusiasm to quit : /

on Oct 29, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I really like this topic, I am in the same situation. I was off with my 2 children for a year and a half and now I am back in the workforce. I work at the work place ever, I am in the banking industry and not having any luck finding a new job. I have never worked for a more messed up place in my life. My boss is a bully, I am not allowed to talk to anyone or even walk through the lobby, I was told I dont walk right!! What the heck is that. I am constantly insulted by our CEO in front of people and it is very uncomfortable. I try to stay positive but it is hard in this environment I am in.

on Oct 31, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you thought about becoming friends with your manager? Keeping your enemies close is important. I know it would be hard, but really try to become part of the group, then maybe they will stop focusing on you. Jobs are tight now, seems like you have tried the traditional approach in solving your problem, now it's time to dig in deeper, swallow your pride and become bosom buddies. Good luck!

on Nov 19, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am in a very similar situation right now. It is very hard to go to work everyday knowing it will be another bad day. I have been looking and interviewing for a few months now. I just can't quit because I keep thinking of how many others would love to just have a job. I have interviewd at several places but none of the positions were really what I'd like to do or just didn't seem to fit. My main thing is I don't want to leave one crappy job for another crappy job. I would just try to hang in there ( I know easier said than done) and look into the volunteering idea. I just started and have made some great connections!

on Dec 16, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this @MadHatter. There are a couple things I suggest. If your manager/supervisor is not a part of the drama, I would suggest speaking to him/her about it. If they are, go to your Human Resources department (or someone above your boss/supervisor). They will be happy that you did. One good thing is most (if not all) States have a strict no retaliation policy in place so they are legally unable to fire you or otherwise disrupt your job due to whistle blowing. I experienced a lot of grief on my job in the past as well. WIth only one income and having children, I stuck around. It is a lot better, not 100% but definitely better and it got a little worse before it got better. One day I had enough and had to speak to my HR director who was very sympathetic and helped a lot. She had a sit down with my boss and since then things have been okay. I was so scared I would lose my job, but she told me nothing would happen and it didn't. Good luck!

on Dec 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you are not happy and you are not treated right. Pray. It works. The more you pray, everything will fall into place. I was miserable at my past work place. The money was good but the environment changed. I quit, it felt good and bad at the same time. It took me 4 months to find a job and I believe praying helped. No one has the right to make you feel worthless or stupid. You will get a better job and respect. It is out there. Remember those who treat others badly will get what is coming to them. I hope you find a better job, if you haven't already. Always pray and be thankful. Things will change for the better. Just pray to the saints and ask God for help. It worked for me. Good luck.

on Mar 25, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wow...So I'm not the only one! Loved "MadHatter"-I'm a VERY clean person & I was told (A messy desk means your busy) To me, a messy desk means you're slow and lazy.. lol. I also had women try so hard to get me in trouble, it came down to, "You threw a paper into the wrong garbage can-it needed thrown into the left can that gets shredded.." (keeping in mind I dealt with 1,000 of pages a day, surely 1 shouldn't have been cause for discipline,esp since it did not contain any sensitive information) I've came to realize, there is ALWAYS "one", no matter WHERE you work; so instead of causing yourself the hassle of having to find another job & possible hurt financially, I think you should find a new way to handle it, hard as it may seem
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