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on Aug 22, 2010 (Read 45364 times | Comments: 29)
I have a pet and a lot of people do i'm sure half of u guys do and i now im only 10 years old but pets are to take care of i mean when i first got my dog dallas i thought taking care of him like training and stuff would be easy but its not i mea my mom still has to get up at 1:00 o`cloak in the morning and take him out. HAHAHAHAHAHA! You'll hear her talking to him at nite in a baby voice, she acts like hes a baby boy of her own. well, have skool things to do so, BYE!

on Sep 28, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

We have a dog and a cat, both of course spoiled rotten! I love that our animals love is unconditional! They both race to the door daily to greet us after work!

on Sep 28, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 3 horses 3 cats and 2 dogs and everyone of my wonderful animals have been in a situation of not being take of care of so our latest addition is sheila she was in the police force and sadly was shot about a year ago she is now 2 1/2 we only have had her for about a month now she has been threw a few owners and the last one was not feeding her kept her in a cage and was loosing her hair...etc but Sheila still loves people considering what she has been threw she has so much energy my other dog can not keep up with her so then she will run out to the horses and play chase with pal it is so cute that they will chase each other! but I will say this Sheila is now in a home where she will be loved ,feed and cared for Sheila is here to stay we love her and we know she loves all of us...so welcome home Sheila,welcome home!

on Oct 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My hubby and I can't have kids of our own, so our dogs are our kids.... We have two, Dino and Daisy. We rescued them both from the same no-kill shelter. Dino is a Miniature Poodle and is 10 years old and Daisy is a Pom-a-Pug and is 2 years old. They act like actual brother and sister; with the playing, the squabbles, and everything. Dino is the nurturer, he will hold Daisy down and clean her eyes! Daisy has a natural mohawk and an underbite! We love them unconditionally; bad breath, gas, and all.

on Nov 01, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a boxer lab mix. She has quite the personality. We adopted her from someone who was going to take her to the pound b/c they couldn't find a home for her. He'd lost his job and couldn't keep her. We didn't want another dog b/c we already had another dog at the time.( the other dog has since passed) She ( boxer lab) is smart. She would have made a great assistance dog if she'd been trained as a pup. She helps me pick up things and brings me things when I ask her to. I suffer from a nerve disease & FMS. Having a dog helps me out in more ways than one. She keeps me moving which is good therapy for me. She makes me happy too. As our dogs tend to do. She definitely places herself high on our family tree. She is my faithful protector and friend for sure.

on Nov 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

This happens to be a great topic for me. I am a pet lover. Over the years I have had baby turtles that my mom used to let us play with them in the kitchen sink. We had a double sink lol. That was going back to when I was a child and a matter of fact I believe you can not get these anymore. I also had parakeets, 2 dogs prior to the one we have now. We also had a beautiful cockatiel, very beautiful and he has passed on. Now we have 1 dog, a miniature king charles cavalier. We received him approximately 1 and a half years ago flown in from Wisconsin via cargo. He is adoorable and very smart. He is a dog that is easily frightened t times but I guess that is part of his personality. His name is Chester and I just love him to death. He is like the boy I never had. I talk to him often and we really do undestannd each other. He is a great snuggler . To me an animal especially dogs cause I just love them add so much to a person*s life, whether they are old or young.

on Dec 10, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Right now I have 4 male rats. I've had them for a year and most rats only live for 4 years. I started out wanting to get a cat but my daughter is allergic to cats, dogs and rabbits. So we started out with a hamster. He was so cute and of course I took care of him since my daughter was only 9 years old at the time. When the kids in the neighborhood found out we had a hamster they all wanted to see him, which I let them if they were really careful. Then they started asking their parents for hamsters and before I knew it...I had 13 kids telling me that they no longer wanted their pet hamsters and their parents didn't want to take care of them...so I ended up with 17 other hamsters besides the two I already had for myself. But the parents gave me all their cages, food and everything else they had bought for them and I was going to try and find homes for some of them but I fell in love with the little critters and kept them all. My daughter was in hamster heaven let me tell you.

on Jan 11, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have 3 dogs! Max, Chin and Bail...Max is my old man, at 17 he is allowed to be as grumpy as he wants I guess. Chin is my middle pup and is by far the laziest! Bail is my BABY, I feel in love with him at first sight and just had to have him in my family. You are very lucky and should thank you Mom everyday! When I was your age my parents bought me a puppy and I had to take him out every night...and it was winter! Burrrr :D Good Luck with your PUP and make sure to love him everyday! Dallas will reward you with all her love, and that is the greatest gift a dog can give! :D

on May 29, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Our family just lost our shepard mix Snickers who was going to be 17 years old in August, she was a huge part of our family and she has been greatly missed, not only by her human companions but by our other dogs also, they are Kiara our chihuahua age 8 and our other chihuahua age 7, she pasted away on April 26th of this year, and my 13 year old daughter has felt a great loss, as well as myself, its hard not seeing her everyday, running around the yard, chasing squirrels, and rabbits. I hope everyone who has a companion out there, loves them and appreciates them for the great creatures that they are, enjoy them as much as they enjoy you each and everyday!!

on Jun 14, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

We have a Boxer, his name is Prince. He's spoiled and knows it, he is like our child as we don't have kids. You can't replace that butt wiggle when you get home. He has such a personality. He loves fishing, swimming and riding on the boat. He's also great on road trips, love car rides. We love him to pieces! Over the years I have had many other pets... a sugar glider, a parrot, a snake, a hamster, a bunny, cats & dogs. Pets are a great stress reliever and very good company. They love you unconditionally, and we all should give that back to them always.

on Oct 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Dogs are furry kids- they take lots of work, patience and care. Be grateful your mom is helping you
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