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Night Sweats - natural remedies
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on Mar 09, 2010 (Read 5618 times | Comments: 17)
I must be jeginning peri- menopause.. i am really drenched at night. in the last couple of weeks. I have heard that there are some natural supllements that I can add to my diet ... any success anyone? Not debiliating but uncomfortable for sure... really don't want it to escalate...

on Sep 11, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am going to have to try some of these suggestions here, thanks for advice!

on Sep 11, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had a total hysterectomy 6 yrs ago. I don't take hormones, but I do take DHEA when I have light flashes, bad moods & low energy. It's not a miracle cure, but I do feel that it helps ease them. I later found that Dr. Oz recomended it for men & women who are "getting older". It occurs naturally in our bodies, but levels drop as we age. I've had no side effects, so it may be worth a try.

on Sep 11, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've been in menopause since April 2004, & I tried black cohosh. It works great for me! It stopped night sweats, & I only have a few hot flashes. Try it & see if it will work for you! Good luck!

on Sep 28, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was told by my doctor I needed to drink more water., I was too dehydrated. I filled the bath tub with ice cold water and sat on the edge until my feet and legs were ice cold. I got some sleep. Not all the time but it helped.

on Mar 29, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

The saying misery loves company is so true. I was relieved to read these posts and know that I am not the only one in my 40's going through this. I am almost 44 and have been having hormonal swings for almost 3 years now. The night sweats and mood swings are my biggest challenges. I have tried quite a few different things and am still trying to find the right combination. Because my hormones are going up and down it seems like something will work for a couple of months and then stop working. I think I am trying to hit a moving target and probably will be for some time to come. I have made an appointment for an endocrinologist and am hoping that he will be able to come up with some new suggestions that may fit my profile better than what I have tried with my other doctor. Here's hoping that this will not drag on for 10 years. My mom told me that she dragged herself through her 40s and wasn't finally in menopause until her early 50s!

on Oct 07, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Try Goldenseal. I read online this can help. Take several times a day.

on Jul 30, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am currently experiencing Menopause and they stink. I sleep with a fan on low every night. I use Flax Seed in every meal and it seems to lessen the effects. I just learned to deal with them and the hot flashes. Dress appropriately.
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