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What do you do to beat the cold/ flu?
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on Dec 22, 2009 (Read 8210 times | Comments: 19)
Hi, I've been really conscious of my health since I take public transportation. I have used the purrell anti-bacterial soap and have some Kleenex anti-viral tissues at work, but I got sick anyway. I'm not terribly sick, just a sore throat and I lost my voice. I think I'll be ok in time for the holidays, but was wondering what everyone else does to beat the cold/ flu? Kleenex has a site w/ cold and flu tips: http://www.coldandflutips.com and I found a few good ones - would love to hear yours!

on Dec 22, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I take a low dose zinc tablet during flu/cold season. Along with constantly washing my hands. I haven't been sick for about 4 years! I also think it's important to get your Z's and control your stress!

on Dec 23, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I totally agree about getting your Z's... it helps sooooo much! Good for you for fighting off sickness for 4 years (knock on wood for you). I'm feeling better today, just have a dry cough. I saw someone on the metro who was hacking hacking hacking and I just wanted to give him a kleenex anti-viral to cough in so it wouldn't spread - yuck!

on Feb 20, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I keep my hands washed frequently, use sanitizer and take vitamin D3.

on Mar 03, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I get the Flu shot (to prevent the Flu), frequently wash hands, cough/sneeze into the crook of my elbow (rather than in hands), drink water, get rest, use hand sanitizer when water is not available, and try to remember to take my vitamins.

on Mar 03, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

it depends how bad it is. with my kids theraflu for daytime nyquil for the night time, vicks on chest back and feet. soup and either orange juice or sprite. with me if its not that bad just some tea or sprite soup and crackers. its hard for me to rest when im sick because i usually have laundry kids to drop off and pick up my husband works days so i pretty much hold down the fort here.

on Mar 03, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I load up on vitamin C rich foods. Also drink lots of fluids and try not to keep the house too warm.

on Mar 03, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I use Robitussin Expectorant during the day because it's non-drowsy and helps keep it from settling in my chest. At night I take Nyquil so I can get good solid sleep. I usually put an extra pillow under mine too to raise my head up a little more and it helps me breath easier and cough less. I also drink lots of clear liquids and allow myself not to overdue. I've had a cold that turned into bronchitis that turned into pneumonia and put me in the hospital for a week once years ago and that was enough for me to realize it just isn't worth it.

on Mar 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Garlic, fresh is ideal but a supplement could help too, an easy way i can handle taking fresh garlic is mincing it well then putting some in my mouth and wash it down with water like a pill. Steam treatments, gargle with salt water. Also spicy foods help clear congestion. Lemons are great for sore throats also. Google topics related to specific problems like remedies for a sore throat, ways to prevent colds and any more things you can think of. Hope it helps and get well soon!

on Mar 20, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

All you people and your hand sanitizer! Ick. I would rather have the germs and build up my immunity! I eat healthy foods, hardly anything out of a box or heavily processed. I drink tea when I start feeling down, get more sleep when I start feeling sick. I wash my hands with good old fashioned soap. I don't feel the need to make stronger germs by using anti-bacterial everything everywhere. I also garden extensively on my postage stamp sized lawn during the summer so I can and freeze a lot of my own produce! Homemade chicken soup and homemade tomato soup are cure-alls for me.

on Apr 02, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Eat raw garlic with my meals! I swear I am all better by the second day and flu/cold signs are all gone shortly. Just remember to drink lots of fluids too.
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