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Uneven haircut - should I go back?
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on Nov 18, 2009 (Read 12444 times | Comments: 18)
I just got my haircut with a sylist I never went to before. When I came home, I realized the sides were uneven. It is such a pain to go back. What do you recommend? If I just trim it myself, will it look worse? Overall I like the cut she gave me, so I would consider going back to her next time. Should I say something then? Or just look more carefully next time? Has this ever happened to you?

on Jan 28, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a stylist, and i INSIST if my clients are unhappy with the style/color/service i have provided they definitely contact me asap!, i even give my regulars my cell phn # for when im not in the salon....and as always, all corrections or alterations are free! she shouldnt charge u a dime to come back in and have it fixed....and like another poster said, it will give her a good opportunity to redeem herself, and to show u what kind of customer service she can provide! i welcome any and all feedback on my work, i WANT them to tell me what they like and dont like, or if theres a problem, so ill know what to look out for next time! hope this helps!!

on Jan 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just got a bad haircut! If there is a friendship there: call her and let her know! You advertise for her like monicana said...she would want you to look your best. Otherwise, if there is no relationship...give the salon a call..ask to speak to a manager...tell em your story and ask for compensation. Then, go get it fixed..that's what i did..

on Jan 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have this problem all the time. My hair is fairly curly, and one side curls more than the other. When it drys it is always uneven. I have my stylist cut the straighter side a little shorter. That being said, if that in not your issue, I would definately go back. She may be a great stylist who was just distracted. If it happens again, I would find someone else!

on Jan 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree that you should go back.

on Jan 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

yes you should go back.

on Jan 31, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Definately go back. As a hairstylist for several years, I always tell my clients to come back if something dosnt work out. A comment for brunette10-Even professionals have off days and I hate to tell you but no haircut will ever be completely symetrical unless cut by a robot!!! Just be polite about it and there should be no problem. Whatever yo do dont cut it yourself.

on Feb 03, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi! I am going to school to become a hair stylist, and I thought about this and if it happened to me- You should definitly go back, or atleast call. It's not fair to you, and it's only fair to be honest to the stylist. This maybe something she does to all her clients, and maybe it's just something she hasn't realized. Or, Maybe she did it for good reason. I know you have a vision, and the stylist has a vision, and sometimes they just don't mix. I know some hair stylist have a problem actually listening to the client, and excuting what the client asks. I once had the same problem, I got my hair cut and dyed- and hated it right away. I went home and everyone else hated it, and suggested I go back. When I did, the stylist fixed it- and gave me a free certificate to come back again! You should give her the chance to fix her mistake, and if she refuses, then she is not worth the buisness! Best of Luck with it all, (atleast you like it now!) It takes time for you to like it sometimes. Bobb

on Jul 14, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Go back most definitely. And YES, go back to the same person. Maybe she was just having a personally uneven day and someone how missed that she messed up. We ALL have bad days at work, it's horrible to say to never go to this person again. If someone butchers your hair, yes, avoid using them in the future. However, if it's something simple where maybe your head was cockeyed just long enough for her to get her length off, it's really rude (and immature) to never go back to the same person, more less the same salon. You paid her for a service and she wants you to be satisfied. If she doesn't fix it for free, then I would avoid that salon in general, as the employees are probably not being treated well enough that they can 'afford' to fix a mistake without having to pay out a minimum. It should be shop policy that artists fix their work, not a pain in the ass when they have to.
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