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I am sick every other week....saying my immune system is bad is probably the biggest understatement of the century...what can i do to make it stronger???
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on Sep 12, 2009 (Read 12571 times | Comments: 15)
I was always the kid getting sick when i was younger but i have noticed over the years it has gotten substantially worse. Every time i turn around i have a virus, strep, the flu even. I have had the strep 6 times now and the flu 5 times since i was 15, and Im 19 years old. in between the strep or the flu i get sick with other things like colds stomach issues etc... this is rediculous...its an every year occurance. i know that i will have strep and the flu at least once thru out the year. i even get the flu when i have gotten the flu shot. i basically get the flu shot not to stop myself from getting the flu but to make it not as bad on me...so that maybe my tempature wont go above 103 degrees this time. it sounds dramatic i know but im so desperate...i dont know what to do anymore...people actually think im faking everything until the doc confirms it now. Everyone thinks it a joke since it happens so often. Well i dont think its a joke. it affects my life.
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