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weight loss programs
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on Mar 24, 2009 (Read 41487 times | Comments: 47)
Has She Speaks ever evaluated the weight loss programs out there. I am about to start on a plan...does anyone have any suggestions as to which one they think is the best?

on Jan 16, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by katiefalc » 
So this isn't exactly a program, but i recently got the free Lose It! application for the Itouch/Iphone and it's completely amazing. I have tried a bunch of other stuff, the five factor, south beach, and this is totally easy and non-time consuming. It just helps you realize how much you really eat, how much you should eat, and how much exercise to do. I've already lost weight.

I use Loseit.com as well and I love it!

on Oct 28, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

join sparkpeople.com. i joined in 2010 and 18 months later i was 200lbs slimmer. and maintaining. they have everything you need to succeed without the cost of weight watchers and other 'PLANS' SPARKPEOPLE is NOT a diet or a plan! It is simply a new way of life. think about it. you start and stop diets and plans.... a way of life is something you keep with you - always. i have learned so much from sparkpeople.com it isn't even funny. and knowledge is the key. they have teams for everyone, find one, or many, that interest you and start reading articles, and getting involved in the site, you will not be sorry. a few things that really helped me when starting out... 1) tracking food (they have an amazingly easy tracker) - you will be amazed at what you eat vs what you think you eat 2) making 1 change at a time. i started out swapping all soda for water. lost weight like crazy with just that and it motivated me! 3) walk. starting out i only last 2 minutes!

on May 04, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I bought Garcinia Cambogia Extract and I wanted to share with everyone that this product is totally worthless. It is supposed to act as a supplement and curb your appetite while activating the extract to prevent fat cells from growing. I tried it for one week and didn't see results or changes at all. Just thought I'd share in case you are considering.

on Jul 08, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you considered a Fitbit or Mio? I saw the Fitbit: https://www.scottsmarketplace.com/store/outerama

on Jul 09, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm a personal trainer and I am a Plexus ambassador, I had such great success with the products that I now sell Plexus to my clients. We have a drink called Slim, it's all natural and helps regulate blood sugars, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, promotes beneficial cholesterol and lipid levels & gives you energy, helps reduce binge eating, you just pour it in your water 30 minutes before a meal and drink and enjoy, I couple this with Accelerator and/or Boost (depending on need) and eat healthy meals and snacks with plenty of water everyday, my rule of thumb for water consumption take your weight and divide in half then divide by 8 this will give you the amount you should drink each day and get some exercise in everyday, even if all you have time for is a walk around the block. If you are interested in checking out Plexus, visit my website at www.plexusslim.com/ritagay and you can check it out for yourself. Good luck - you've got this!!

on Aug 14, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have used myfitnesspal.com and just bought a fitbit. I prefer to exercise at home, and wish there was a section on Netflix for workout videos! I know there are so many different options, but if Netflix had it then we wouldn't have to pay for another service! I have found some good videos on youtube but if you don't have a way to connect your internet to your tv you are stuck looking at your computer screen or using dvds. The hardest part for me is staying accountable and counting calories!

on Feb 07, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I started the Paleo diet on November 2 of this year and in just 14 weeks, I've lost 32 lbs. I don't really exercise, so this is simply from eating healthy and cutting out all processed foods as well as dairy, grains, sugar (still eat coconut sugar, honey, and maple syrup though!) and all of that chemical saturated stuff. It has seriously been a life changer for me and I'll never go back to the way I ate before. I don't count calories or points, I don't keep a food journal, and I don't starve myself. I eat when I'm hungry and as much as I need. It has also eliminated that bloated feeling I used to get when I would eat and it has helped regulate other health problems like my hormone imbalance, my blood sugar, my depression and anxiety, my fibromyalgia, and my stomach issues. It has seriously changed my life in ways I never expected it to. Best decision I ever made.
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