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weight loss programs
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on Mar 24, 2009 (Read 41618 times | Comments: 47)
Has She Speaks ever evaluated the weight loss programs out there. I am about to start on a plan...does anyone have any suggestions as to which one they think is the best?

on Jul 08, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

This year I decided to take care of some of my extra weight. I started off by myself. I increased fruit ,veggies and exercise then decreased junk food. I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. A friend of mine suggested Weight Watchers. I was wary because it seemed pricey. However, my friend assured me it was worth every penny. After 12 weeks, I am so happy I did it! I am down an additional 21 pounds. You really learn to incorporate the foods that are important to you the right way for example: everyday I still have chocolate in moderation. I love the support system and the meetings gives me a scheduled hour of me time every week! Plus, I have become very close with an old friend. She has lost 65 pounds since January. We are both just about back to our high school weight. Good Luck with your journey!

on Aug 29, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

For me it has been Weight Watchers online. I started Feb. 9th 2009, and as of this past Monday 8-23-10 I am down 110 lbs I can eat anything I want to as long as I stay with in my points. I started with 34 daily points and everyone gets 35 extra weekly points to use as they feel needed. Now I am down to 22 pts. I know it sounds low, but if you make the right choices you will not find yourself feeling hungry all the time. Of course we all have those days where we could eat everything. I do suggest using the extra weekly pts. and working at least some of them in each week. This way when you get down to much lower pts. for the day you can always use the wkly. pts. and still be ok. I know we all want to be thinner tomorrow, but the slower you do it the better it is for you and the chances that you will keep it off, because it becomes a way of life not a diet. My husband saw how well I was doing on it and started himself the Monday after Thanksgiving 09' & is down 45lbs. Good luck !

on Aug 30, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have seen several reviews over the years and almost without fail the number one recommendation is WEIGHT WATCHERS. As a person who tried everything else out there, including those plans with the nasty prepared food you have to buy, I can attest to the fact that WW really works. I lost 74 pounds over 9 months. That's a nice, safe 2 pounds per week (average) loss that I've been able to keep off for 4 years through their maintenance program (which is FREE, by the way). The weekly meetings are incredibly motivating and I recommend it to everyone who is trying to lose weight. Good luck!

on Oct 20, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Has anyone tried HCG injections?

on Oct 22, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have to say Weight Watchers is the best thing out there. I have tried a lot of programs and this is the only one that worked. You dont even feel like you are dieting, you are learning how to eat the food that you love and still lose weight. The meetings are very helpful and the weight comes off with ease. I was able to lose 20 lbs in about 6 months. And I have people in my office that have lost between 75-100 lbs doing weight watchers (no exercise at all). But, exercise does help and allows you to eat more of the foods that you cant live without but dont have enough points for.

on Oct 22, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

Has anyone try abdoer ?

on Dec 08, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am trying the Atkins.com program. the carb deal is hard at first but really something we all need to change (not cut out). When I started the program last year I lost my poochy tummy, but I didn't dedicate my lifestyle to it. Now I am back to face the music. Now to stay focused and follow through. I might try hypnosis to stay focused.

on Jan 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm 49, fully into menopause, I've put on about 10 pounds a year since I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago. I joined Weight Watchers in Sept. and have lost 25 pounds. Its the best thing I've done for myself! I still have weight to lose but I now know that I can do it! Weight Watchers helps you learn how to make better choices and doesn't make me feel like I'm depriving myself. I used menopause as a crutch, thought I'd never be able to lose the weight, but WW gave me back my confidence. Its a reshaping of my body, mind and soul!

on Feb 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am very supportive of the eat clean diet by tosca reno. Eating should be a way of life and all the processed food we eat is horrible for us. A person could be skinny but the inside could tell another story. In the end eating healthier will not only make you thinner, you will live longer! There are tons of recipes available in the eat clean book, and they even have an online forum so you can learn to cook the right things, that even taste good!

on Feb 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I work at a Curves for Women I work out there and I do Zumba as well.
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