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"The Rape Game"
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on Mar 17, 2009 (Read 5600 times | Comments: 21)
A few days ago while watching CNN, Rick Sanchez did a story on a new game called "The Rape Game." The object is to rape a mother and her oldest and youngest daughters. You get bonus points if you join in on a gang rape. I was so disgusted and could not believe what I was hearing. This game is not in the U.S. Thank GOD! What sick minded individual would create such a hateful game? I pray that this game does not make it into any homes no matter what country it is in.

on Jun 23, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

That is so sad, just thinking of the lives that have been destroyed by this game.

on Jul 27, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

News, are we putting ourselves in danger? We like to be informed, but stories like this make me wonder if we're just giving criminals more ideas. News travels. What do they watch in prison? Would you want a convicted rapist seeing this before he's released? I know he's served his time, but why put it in his head? 'If it bleeds it leads' comes to mind. A warning for something in your country is one thing. Scavenging for other country's issues another (use the internet before traveling). I don't think the intent was a noble one: for our women's protection, lets pass this info along. Some news stations claim balance. I want the balance of positive and negative, instead of a blurb about some good deed as they roll the credits. Does the news influence people, or the other way around? My father keeps it on a 24 hour news channel. When we visit, he constantly quotes his favorite newscaster...it's all negative. Yep, it bleeds everywhere.

on Sep 23, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Ugh...as someone who was date raped at the age of 19, I find it disgusting, scary and a slap in the face to us victims. Yikes!

on Sep 24, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree somewhat about putting this on the air,But at the same time victims need to know that we are aware of this issue and that they should give help lines to all that have been harmed.

on Oct 07, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm interested to know more about this myself. What console? What country of origin? Is it an AO rated game, barring it from children like pornography here? I have to say that my opinion on this has a great deal to do with control. I have worked in the prision sector and assure you that dispite numerous scientific evidence to the contrary, administration is convinced that games with a T or above rating are bad for the prisoners. Do you know how little time you get to actually spend around a TV in jail? Very, very little. Most people in the pen actually spend all day reading; it's not nearly as glamorous as it looks.

on Oct 15, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

This is deeply upsetting, but I'm a little confused . . . from the initial post, I thought this was some either some sick real-life "game" (or maybe some BDSM safe/sane/consentual play role-playing "game") but, based on the last post . . . this is a video game? Okay, for real?!?! Still sick . . . but still a much different scenario.

on Nov 05, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

whether a "game" on a screen or in real life it's wrong! I'm simply baffled and horrified that this can so easily happen in our world.

on Dec 14, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

What kind of deranged mind came up with that. I pray that this does not take flight and they initial people who thought of it tracked down and arrested. People are so sick and twisted these days - it disgusts me!

on Dec 14, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

im not sure if this is a computer game or a real life game. im leaning more on real life but what original post said. anyway this is disgusting.rape is a terrible things and in my opinion men who do it deserve there you know whats cut off and destroyed.if this is a computer game or some game station thing the maker need to be arrested and probably shot to death or something.also the people who buy the game need arrested and treated like a rapist in real life.its terrible

on Mar 08, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

That games is sick. Thank God its not the USA. Sometimes when I am watching CSI - I think how many people actually copycat. I love watching CSI but I would never want to relive any of it. I had a job interview 2 weeks ago for a criminal defense position, and having a daughter made me rethink my priorities. Life can be great, but there is always 2 sides of a coin.
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