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  Working Life & Career


What is your dream job?
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on Feb 24, 2009 (Read 317775 times | Comments: 147)
In today's world, most people are just happy to have any job. But say you didn't need the money and your experience was irrelevant. What dream job would you wish for? (I have always dreamed of dancing on Broadway, though I am not a very good dancer, so it is definitely just a dream!)

on Aug 27, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My dream job and what I am hoping to succeed with in the near future is a hotel owner. I have always thought owning a hotel oceanfront at a beach somewhere would be an ideal career. I'm sure it takes lots and lots of money to own a big hotel chain, but that would be nice. You would actually be on vacation 365 days a year and enjoying the warm weather. Being able to supply uyoung children with daily activites at the hotel and help them learn about the ocean life and anything that surrounds them and bring families together for both kid fun and family games.

on Aug 27, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My dream job is to be a marine biologist. I would love to work at Sea World or absolutely anywhere where I can help animals and help to reduce and possibly correct water polution. Moving over to Australia to save the Great Barrier Reef would be AMAZING!.

on Aug 27, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My dream job would be anything that involves travel to far-flung places.. the show Globetrekker on PBS is my favourite show... I would love to have a job like that.

on Sep 01, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My dream job would be something to do with wine, maybe a wine taster. I love a good glass of wine and I love sharing my wine experience with others so they too can appreciate wine. I also love to write and love working around people - I am a real people person.

on Sep 01, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

In a perfect world I would open my own theatre that specializes in show for children, not by children. I want my productions to be educational and affordable to anyone who wants to see them, especially those people who would otherwise not have the chance. While now is not the time I hope that once both of my children are in school I will be able to work towards this dream, until then I support my husband as he builds his business into the career or his dreams!

on Sep 01, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to be fashion coordinater!!

on Sep 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My dream job would be to rescue abused & neglected animals of all types. Dogs, cats, cows, chickens, pigs, horses, & other farm animals. My other dream job, is a job that I held in the past; I was teaching a wellness class at a college. I would love to go back and teach students all the benefits of eating healthy, and exercise.

on Sep 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would absolutely love to be a professional gymnast, but i guess you have to start off at a relatively young age for that... hmm...

on Sep 05, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

my dream job would so be to work in the fashion industry. not anything in particular i just love fashion & everything that has to do with it. i know how to sow but nothing special. but Fashion fashion fashion!

on Sep 15, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My dream job would be to work for a fashion magazine--fast paced & trendy lifestyle
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