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What is your dream job?
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on Feb 24, 2009 (Read 317791 times | Comments: 147)
In today's world, most people are just happy to have any job. But say you didn't need the money and your experience was irrelevant. What dream job would you wish for? (I have always dreamed of dancing on Broadway, though I am not a very good dancer, so it is definitely just a dream!)

on Jan 27, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to be an Art teacher or work with animals. I will hopefully be able to accomplish this very soon!

on Jan 28, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to be a musician in a rock band. I can;t play that well anymore and really can't sing. But I think it would be fun. OR I would like to be able to do voluteer work for the local animal shelters, have enough money so I don;t have to work.

on Feb 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

To be a country singer like Tanya Tucker. Yeah.

on Mar 11, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'd die to work with wild animals. Like the ones in Africa. I always dreamt of being one of those people at the Nat Geo shows, but I come from South America where working with animals doesn't pay and there is no field so I had to opt for another career.

on Mar 20, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

While my kids are still young, I would be a photographer, painter, crafter and on summer vacation, I would take the kids on mission trips to build homes and wells for villages in other countries. I would make enough money that I could start foundations to help enable people to have a place to stay, food to eat, training, clothes and connections to job opportunities to better thier lives. After I did that, and my children were grown, I would become an architect and build beautiful creations that made the people who lived and worked around them happier in thier daily lives. I would take breaks for archeological studies. These are just some of my dreams.

on Dec 03, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to combine my passion for travel around the world and helping women launch their own business. I am a firm believer that women should follow their passions in their lives and careers.

on Dec 26, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I want to be able to sing like Adele or Madonna. I've always wanted to just get up and belt out a tune and have people shocked at how good I am! I love watching that clip of Susan Doyle on YouTube.

on Dec 30, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Im actually working working my dream job! Being part of the medical field is what I love the most! I left hairdressing and felt so lost but eventually it all came to me soon afterwards when I volunteered my time to a hospital my Mom was working in. She has always inspired me in so many ways amd watching her on a professional level definitely made me realize that the patients she was caring for wasnt so different from the way she cared for me when growing up. Eventually I went back to school and now my Mom is my nursing supervisor. I learned so much from her during our years together as coworkers, and even though it can be a bit challenging, I wouldnt change anything. So, this is my dream job. Its fullfilling, and extremely rewarding and at the end of the day I make a difference to my patients.

on Dec 30, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

RETIREMENT!! That is my dream job and I already have it. My husband and I worked for 30 years and we both retired at 47. We are now 49 and still enjoying our freedom. We live in Florida close to the beach, travel, and spend time with our 6 month old grandson. What could be better than this? I have always used coupons, when we go out to eat we use a groupon, or entertainment book coupon - for buy one get one free. Our home is paid off, our cars are paid in full, and we have no credit card debt. Too many people live beyond their means and have to have everything right now, instead of saving for it. Then when they can't pay they claim bankruptcy. We started saving for our retirement when we were 24 years old and had two babies. It helped that we were both on the same page about finances, we never fought over money issues, and we have been married over 27 years.

on Jan 17, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My dream job would be to work at a zoo. I'd love to take care of the animals and educate the pubic about the importance of preserving their natural habitats.
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