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Tell Us a Romantic Moment & You Could Win!
on Jan 27, 2015:
Is there any way to link it from Youtube? I know how to work you tube on my phone but the phone uploader isn't working for some reason. :(
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4 Tips for Cold & Flu Season and Walmart Gift Card Giveaway! #ReliefIsHere
on Jan 27, 2015:
NyQuil and Nighttime Family cuddles!! We are currently sick as dogs and cuddling, taking our medicine, and watching cartoons!
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Get #KissedByCOVERGIRL! Ring in the New Year with NEW Colorlicious Lipstick, now at Walmart
on Dec 17, 2014:
I was pregnant and about to give birth to my son. I knew the next year we would be parents. My husband kissed me and said "This is the year we become parents! I love you!! Next year we will be three!" I will never forget that kiss.