"Beware the ides of March." - Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Do you think Shakespeare should still be taught in high school?

 Do you remember reading Shakespeare in high school? Did you enjoy it?

Yes, he is a classic author who everyone should read (59.5%)

Some classes can read him, but it shouldn't be mandatory (33.3%)

No, there are much more important authors we should teach (7.3%)

  • jenndta69 By jenndta69
    on Mar 14, 2012  

    I'm not sure what's going on in our school system, but we are lucky. Our daughter goes to a Charter High School and they still believe in and teach the classics along with other books.

  • noelrocs By noelrocs
    on Mar 14, 2012  

    I believe that some of his works are important for students to learn, but others aren't as important. I was in honors English through middle & high school, then graduated from college with honors, and I didn't really think Shakespeare was "amazing." Everyone should know who he is, but his works & style shouldn't be forced on anyone; not everyone will "get" it and that's ok. You can't determine the quality of your child's education, or the the superiority of your child's intelligence, by whether or not they read Shakespeare...

  • CarolML By CarolML
    on Mar 14, 2012  

    There are so many classics and such a short period of time in school to teach them all. I would love to have the school year broken down into sections where each week or two a different period of time is studied. Can it include Shakespeare? Sure, but also many others from current periods as well.

  • jemappel By jemappel
    on Mar 14, 2012  

    I loved reading Shakespeare in high school, even though I generally do not like reading. The themes he writes about are timeless, and I think it's important for kids to realize that there a certain fundamentals about humanity that have existed at all times. I also think students should read other classic works from authors and philosophers from around the world (i.e., not just Western Civilization). Based on Joseph Campbell's theory ("The Power of Myth"), it is understanding universal themes that gives youth a sense of self.

  • LT6609 By LT6609
    on Mar 14, 2012  

    I think students should know who Shakespeare is and maybe discuss what the books are about but lets be honest, when it comes to his books most students are using cliff/money notes since they do not like the Old English version.

  • FreeNClear By FreeNClear
    on Mar 14, 2012  

    Shakespeare is so much more than plot - Shakespeare is ideas and they make kids think. Definitely should still be teaching.

  • msfriendly By msfriendly
    on Mar 14, 2012  

    I agree that they should still be teaching Shakespeare, but maybe not so in depth for a general English class.

  • mommaknows By mommaknows
    on Mar 15, 2012  

    Literature is important so I think students should know about Shakespeare. It makes you think.