Casey Anthony was acquited. Do you think justice was served in this case? Tell us what you think, we want to know.
Yes (12.5%)
No (87.5%)
This is terrible. I can't believe this is the outcome. So sad for that little girl.
Wow I am shocked. I didn't follow the case too closely, but I'm wondering if all the befuddling testimony about her mom being there around the time of the murder, and being around the pool (possible drowning), made reasonable doubt that other people could have been involved. Like, they couldn't find her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt because the defense introduced so much confusion to make it seem like it could have been accidental.
Grant it, the prosecution did not make a case that Caylee was actually murdered...BUT...and that is a big BUT...she did not report her missing until 30 days later...if that is not considered child abuse or abandonment, I don't know what is...I expected at least child justice for this little girl. I'm sure the truth will come out to whoever offers them the most sad!
So sad that a child should have a voice coming from her mother and instead her voice and life was taken from her!! Accident or not, where is the mother part in her!! How come some one be so cold, my thoughts and prayers have been and always will be with this little girl!!!
I work in the Court system and also watched and listened to most of the case and although I think she had something to do with the death of little Caylee the simple fact is that the Prosecutor's office filed a death sentence case against her and that instantly raised the stakes. They failed to provide proof 'beyond a reasonable doubt' for the primary charge or any lesser charge. The Jury had no choice. Believe me when I say they must feel sick at the decision they had to make but they had to stick to the legal guidelines. This occurs all the time. It just happens in this case, because of the social networking, it became more visible. Casey didn't make this a goldmine - all of us did when we joined the social media!!