How stable do you think is the US economy right now?

What do you think indicates that our economy is "stable"?  In what place do you see the US among the world super powers?

5 - very stable (0.7%)

4 - stable (3.6%)

3 - neutral / don't know (14.4%)

2 - unstable (53.3%)

1 - very unstable (28.0%)

How stable do you think is the US economy right now?
  • wood2011 By wood2011
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    our economy is in very bad shape and getting worse we the people need to let our voice be heard so that people who are capable of making important decisions like getting americans back to work and lower the price of gas or go take it from the country's that promised it if the united states would fight for there country also we need to be self sufficient and vote in a president and congressmen and senators who will work for the united states not against it without someone leading we will all fall in the ditch.

  • wood2011 By wood2011
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    we are not a super power country now because our leader is weak and other country's do not respect him.

  • TsukinoHime By TsukinoHime
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    Both of those comments are extremely uninformed... "Go take" oil from other countries?? How about push GREEN alternatives so this country doesn't have to be reliant on oil??? As a matter of fact, the Obama administration has been trying to do so.. to stiff opposition from those who reap the benefits from oil consumption. It's only tea party and republican propaganda that portrays Obama as 'weak'. This is said as a person who has lived overseas and currently lives in the US.. Most 'average' people need to get out and see a bit more of the world, then you'd realise the situation in the US is actually not that bad. People need to stop complaining about paying taxes when the US pays a very low amount compared to other countries (especially when these taxes would go to things like cheap healthcare .. which would benefit mostly lower income families.. the majority of the population).

  • nitarose44 By nitarose44
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    I said stable, because the market seems to be slowly improving.

  • magica By magica
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    I say unstable because I have seen a lot of people shopping for groceries with their credit cards. And big lines for free groceries at churches and food pantry programs.. It's really sad.

  • killercurves By killercurves
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    I said very unstable because I've yet to see any "change" that the Obama administration promised. I've seen more people struggling over the last year then I ever have in my life time. Plus america is always borrowing money from other countrys.

  • rulistenin By rulistenin
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    I have seen an increased spiraling out of control of friends, relatives and co-workers either losing their jobs or their work hours decreasing. My hours have been cut back to a point of being almost non-existent. A few of the people I mentioned have been unemployed long enough that they have given up hope in finding employment. Every job listed has 100's of people applying for the same position. It is also interesting how many people I see walking around the grocery store carrying coupons.

  • zippychick By zippychick
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    so many people are losing their jobs and it contnues daily. At my school alone, today 2 teachers who work under a pilot program, were told that there would be renewal of funding in June. One already had a feeling this would happen, so she applied and got a job in another area of the school. The other teacher is worried to death. She is married and has a husband who is employed, but as we all very well know, it takes 2 paychecks and sometimes even more! She also has 3 children and the town that we live in is very small with not many if any, prospects. So many teachers that I know are losing their jobs at other schools as well.....

  • hgoncalves By hgoncalves
    on Apr 25, 2011  

    My husband was laid-off two years ago because of job cuts. He found a job within a few months but it was a temporary position without benefits. He finally found a permanent position, but the company is going through a hiring freeze and all of the temps that work with him will unlikely be hired permanently. I'm happy he has a job with benefits now, but our economy is far from stable.

  • jennyjen1234 By jennyjen1234
    on Apr 26, 2011  

    My husband has not worked in over two years. He lost his plumbing business that he owned for over ten years. It is very depressing every time I get gas to drive to work (100 miles round trip a day) or go to the grocery store. I hardly watch the news any more because all you hear about is the rich getting richer and the middle class working people having to do without something else or having to pay more for everything. Thanks Mr. Obama for not doing anything you promised the American people. I know it is not all his fault, but there has to be something he can do to help turn this country around. Our Senators and Congressmen need to get busy too because they are not going to be in office long if they don't do something for the American people. Giving banks and insurance companies bail out money and giving people a tax credit to buy a new "green" car (when they can't afford a new car payment) is not really helping the average Americans who need help.