Tostitos Artisan Recipes Roasted Garlic and Black Bean Tortilla Chips

Tostitos Artisan Recipes Roasted Garlic and Black Bean Tortilla Chips

              Rated #52 in Snacks & Candy
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209 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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These are amazing with salsa or nacho cheese, but they're so good even plain!

Crunchy and fabulous! Homemade hummus or as the base for our favorite nachos, these are by far our family's favorite. There are sure to be lots of bags floating around during football season, too.

salsa chips! Amazing tortilla chips! I love this unique black bean flavor super good

YUMMY These are so good, they had just the right balance of everything.

Another great Tostitos product. We tried these with a warm bean dip and loved every minute of eating them. Nice and crispy with a good flavor.

Tostitos Artisan Recipes Roasted Garlic and Black Bean Tortilla Chips are great on their own, with salsa, or any other preferred dip.

These chips have so much flavor and taste so good! I served these Tostitos at a party with friends and everyone loved them. They have a lot of crunch and such a great taste. They aren't greasy like potatoes chips and have lots of crunch. I love the garlic flavoring, which makes them taste great on their own without dip.

I loved these chips! My husband did too - he snacked on one and was like, these are good, then he ate another and said, these are really good! I loved how they weren't too salty so you could eat them on your own or dip them in something else (we tried it with some Trader Joe's tomato basil hummus and edemame hummus and it was fantastic)! These chips were easy to find - I got mine at the local QFC and they were on sale!

These chips are delicious! They are full of flavor and I didn't even make it to the fridge to open a jar of salsa because I couldn't stop eating them plain. My only issue with them is that a serving size is very small. I'm utilizing Weight Watchers right now and it was disappointing to learn that a serving (8 chips) was 4 points. Other than that, I really enjoyed them and am happy to share them with friends so they, too, can enjoy the flavor!

These were so good..I threw together a salsa recipe it was divine...You can eat these alone as well the bag was empty in no time!

Very Good! I think if you add salsa on top, it will perfect these delicious tortilla chips! I think I'll have to buy these again!

Our family love them! We really enjoyed them with a cheese dip I made the most. But they were good with sour cream and salsa too. Even our little Chorkie dog loved them He crawled right in the bag to lick it out. It was really funny! I think the only negative I heard was my one son who said he thought there was a slight after tasted from eating the chips that he didn't like. But I was really surprised how fast they went and how much evereryone wanted me to get more. I do wish they were not quite so expensive. It will have to be one of those extra special treats now and then and something we will look forward to having.

These are awesome! We had them at a family gathering and everyone enjoyed them and a few people even asked where I got them. We paired it up with homemade salsa and also with a bean dip. Our daughter liked them just plain though. They had great flavoring already, they just made the salsa "POP" with flavor. THX Tostito's !!!!! WILL BUY AGAIN !!! =)

At first bite, I was not sure if I liked it. It was much sweeter than usual tortilla chips. I soon found myself grabbing for the rest of the chips in the bag without any dip!

I really enjoyed the Roasted Garlic and Black Bean chips. My family enjoyed them with me and we would buy them again. They are flavorful and tasty and can be eaten just by themselves.