Mereadesso  Beautiful Body Balm

Mereadesso Beautiful Body Balm

              Rated #664 in Skin Care
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133 Reviews 2.9/5 stars
44% Recommended
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I'm enjoying this body balm and finding that it works well...not crazy about its fragrance tho...

Good quality lotion, but not something I would spend $54 for! The scent reminds me of the stuff they use at the spa during a pedicure, so it kind of relaxes me when I use it. It's helped my super dry Winter hands, so that's nice!

Very nice, full size product. Feels great on my skin.

I like the lotion, but for $54 i would choose another product. I'm glad it was in the cravebox. I got to try a good product that i would never of bought myself.

I love the lack of scent and it feels so nice. Doesn't leave any greasy feeling. The color is a bit off-putting, but on the other hand, might indicate a lack of additional coloring just to make it look white.

Very smooth on skin! Smell is a little strong but not bad! I don't know if I would pay full price though! So many other lotion options that would cost less!

I like it better than the lotion I was keeping in my desk at work, so I'm pleased. The smell is a little strong, but it fades quickly. I prefer that it'snot so thick, as it doesn't end up smudging all over everything else!

The smell isn't bad, as I have had much worse. It fades quickly. The cream does a very good job of making my hands soft and it lasts even if I skip a day or two. No greasy feeling and does dry quickly. Takes about 2 minutes

Although others are giving negative reviews, I like this lotion. I have dry skin so when I saw it wasn't thick I figured it wouldn't work for me.....wrong! It was nice to have a thinner moisturizer that did the same work as my quality thick creams. As far as the smell I found it unique and a nice change. I normally use frangranced or perfume lotions and this smells fresh and clean. Not a smell I was expecting but I like it none the less. All in all I like the product!

The more I use this lotion, the more I like it - glides on smoothly and absorbs quickly. The scent is okay and does not linger. What I like most about the scent is that it is not overpowering like many products. I would consider purchasing it in the future.

I am compelled to review and give 4 stars after reading all the negative reviews of this product. I would give 5 stars but the product is too expensive. Had I not received the Mereadesso Beautiful Body Balm in my December Cravebox, I would not have purchased it. I would not have purchased it because of the price but not because it isn't good lotion, it is. I have keratosis pilaris which makes the skin on the back of my arms very bumpy. To cure this, I use AmLactin or Eucerin but the Beautiful Body Balm cures it as well. This product is very moisturizing without being too greasy. The smell doesn't bother me, I think it smell citrusy.

This body balm leaves your skin really soft and hydrated. Doesn't feel sticky or greasy and the scent is not overpowering. This is my new must have for the dry winter months.

I LOVE this product! I enjoy the smell and it is a lovely relief to my dry and cracked winter hands!

I like the scent of the Mereadesso Beautiful Body Balm, this is a keeper for the winter months ahead. I like that it can be used all over your body and it is non-greasy.

i like this product and the smell and after putting the cream on my hands and legs it is smooth and silky,i like it