Pepsi  Throwback

Pepsi Throwback

              Rated #168 in Beverages
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313 Reviews 3.9/5 stars
76% Recommended
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I am not a big soda drinker but this was very syrupy, I like the diet versions better they have a lighter taste. I get that the throwback was supposed to bring back how Pepsi used to taste and I think it definitely does that so I rated it higher that I would have otherwise.

like the new one better.

This is OK. I think its a bit thick of a drink and leave me wanting another drink.

I'm not a big soda drinker but I got nostalgic when I saw these in the store and decided to try one. I found out it is super sweet. I'm not sure if it's because it's made with real sugar, which I'm not used to, or if it's because I typically don't drink soda. If you are not a soda person, I'd skip this one

Ok pepsi Picked this up at a local gas station. It was too sweet or had more of an agave sweetener taste to it. Okay to be honest. Decent alternative.

I like this soda...the store near me has one case left yesterday and wasn't planning on restocking it. I think the one drawback is that it gets flat quicker

Didn't seem to have the same kick that the regular PEPSI has.

I am NOT a soda drinker - never have been. I think most soda (or 'pop', as I grew up calling it) tastes metallic and leaves a horrible aftertaste. I read that Pepsi was coming out with soda using actual sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup, and decided to try it. I LOVED THIS POP! I bought two or three more over the next few weeks (remember - I don't drink much soda). I've read a great deal on the higher occurrences of diabetes and obesity since the use of high fructose corn syrup as a sugar replacement in most foods, and think there is definitely something to it. If Pepsi (or any other soda producer) were to continue making their soda with sugar, I would continue buying it periodically.

I like it alot, and I love the look of the can. Takes me back.

Love the flavor and love pEPSI PRODUCTS!

I like the taste but something about it isn't right. I can't quite put my finger on it but I think I'll try it again and see if I can't figure it out. I enjoyed it but not sure if it'll replace my reg pepsi :)

I slightly prefer regular Pepsi, but Pepsi Throwback is good also! All of the Throwback flavors make me think of summertime, so I can't wait to start seeing them on the shelves once again!

Pepsi is Pepsi... Always good. I like the throw back, take me back... but I would love to drink Pepsi from a glass bottle, that is what I really miss.

Pepsi Throwbacks are my coffee every morning and the last thing I drink before I go to bed. I do not know why I can not locate them since the pepsi 'NEXT" come out, it taste so diet and nothing like the Pepsi Throwback. My Opinion is that I should be able to buy Pepsi Throwbacks when I want to without them just disappearing off the shelves. I want my throwbacks back!!

Pepsi throwback is so good, i also like the mountain dew.I like the regular too but I like this better becuase it doen't have when you drink soda sometimes it will burn (lack of better word)the back of your throat if you drink it to quick,the throwbacks dont do that, they defintley have a smoother taste.