Nintendo Wii Fit

Nintendo Wii Fit

              Rated #6 in Video Games
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561 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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We got the WII fit a while ago and at first LOVED it not so much after my Avatar shrunk drastically when I got weighed.The kids enjoy using it and anything to keep the blood flowing is great...

My 10 year old loves all of the exercising videos.... I would recommend it for all ages. My whole family loves it!

I have had my wii fit for over a year now. I am very impressed with the way it works, it amazes me what technology can come up with. The actually wii fit game its self kinda lacks. I was hoping for longer work outs vs doing small individual sets and then having to click to start over, however there are so many add on games to go with it like biggest loser which has a very great yoga program and the jillian michaels which will kick your tush! Over all I am glad to have it around.

I just recently got the Wii Fit. I love using it - it motivates me to get up in the morning and do it and helps me keep track of the weight I am losing. Hope I can keep up with it! My boys love it too!!

Wii fit is a great way to have fun and fitness together with the family! Games are really fun!

The Wii fit was so big of a hit in our house, we never watched normal tv for months! It is great to use technology in such a fashion to get people exercising and being entertained. I recommend this for any home with a Wii system.

I love it! Bought a Wii just for this and it's been a great work out tool.

I got the Wii Fit for christmas last year and just love it. You do get quite the workout on it.

I bought this for myself and find it enjoyable. I am a bigger person and find I can do most everything with it.

It is fun to play and to watch other people playing, but I dont see sticking with it to actually see results.

I bought the Wii Fit for my daughters a few years ago because my oldest is a diabetic... She needs to have some type of activity daily to keep her blood sugar in check. It was awesome for the first few months but it quickly lost its appeal. The Wii Fit board worked when it wanted to and the little "feet" were constantly getting lost. We also had problems with the neighbors downstairs when we lived in the apartment because their "running and jumping" was too noisy. Therefore, I wouldn't recommend this for people in an apartment, unless you live on the bottom floor.

I begged my husband for the WII fit!! I do like it, it is fun and better than sitting on my bottom to exercise- however, it is a video gaming system and not a gym. While it does get you up and moving, I do still have to visit the gym. Definetly Four Stars in my book for Family friendliness, Fun with Friends, and a great aray of game choices!

I absolutely LOVE the Wii Fit - its is very interactive and it forces you to step your game up.

Very good to stay active However I prefer actually going out and doing the workout. High five to Nintendo for this wonderful invention. But if you have lazy ppl around they will find a way to out smart the wii by cheating likeing sitting the entire time.

i love to play this with my kids and other family doesnt replace the outside time but during the winter it helps alil to keep them active when we are locked inside keeping warm..