Naked Juice Drinks

Naked Juice Drinks

              Rated #137 in Beverages
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I like the fact that it's all natural but we didn't like the taste.

I tried these and they made my tummy upset. I won't try these anymore.

Before becoming a health nut i would drink these all the time. then finding out tha its not good for you and one bottle is as much sugar is equal to doughnuts. they taste delicious though.

I buy Mango one for my daughter. She really like it but I would rather just have a home made smoothie w fruit & oats. Feel better w making my own no additional sugar added.

Great taste, but lots of sugar (is why they taste great!) I think the labeling is misleading...using Naked with juice makes me think there are artificial additives. I haven't been big on purchasing these juices since they removed the "all natural" from their labeling. If I'm going to pay $4 for a small bottle of juice, I want it to be organic and truly all natural without synthetic anything added!

I tried the strawberry. It was thick. It tasted good but the whole bottle was way to much to drink. I wont buy it again.

Good, but watch the label and make sure there is no added sugar. Also way to expensive for a non organic brand.

I didn't really care for these. The first one I tried has a grainy consistency but I did try another and I didn't like the flavor. Good thought would be better if they were healthier and better tasting

There are some flavors I like, but Naked Juice makes my stomach hurt if I drink too much of it at once. I can't even drink half a bottle in an hour or two without an upset stomach.

ok if you like drinking sweet drinks. If i have nothing eles to drink then i would drink them.

Pasteurized and loads of sugar - these aren't a healthy choice. There are cold pressed juices out there with more veggies, but they are really expensive.Try to make your own juices - It's also cheaper. It doesn't have to be complicated: try apples, cucumber and celery. Orange, pineapple, lemon

I like juices alot, but ive not tested this one out yet, but willing to soon.

I am glad there is many healthy choices these days! I do not fancy this product, because of the constancy. My husband does love the green machine though. I am just not able to stomach the options they have provided.

Naked drinks have a nice pleasant taste but are a bit gritty to me.

I like these if I'm in a hurry. But they're. A bit expensive unless they're on sale. There's a couple I don't care for. Most are too sweet/rich