Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef

Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef

              Rated #13 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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913 Reviews 3.1/5 stars
56% Recommended
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If I could give a minus rating I would these are all horrible and I will never buy them.

Not a hit. My kids didnt like any of these.

This was not my granddaughters favorite. She said "yucky" after a couple of bites.

My daughter wouldn't try this one because it looked disgusting. I took a bite and it wasn't bad but not good either.

My son refused to try this. He said it looked like cat food. The 2 yr old ate it instead, and she seemed to like it.

Couldnt get daughter to try it. After the others one (only one of them she would eat) tasted so bland and liquidy...she refused to try this one.

My children didn't like the taste

My 4 year old son thought it was "nasty"... my daughter wouldn't even eat it, and she'll even eat brussel sprouts! I wouldn't recommend or buy these products based on the price and the taste. They need some more work. Would rather spend a buck and microwave the Chef Boyrdee

Another one bites the dust :( I liked the packaging and everything, Kids were excited to try them but this one they didn't like either. I have 3 kids and they are too picky but they didn't like the taste.

One bite and my daughter spit it out. My son tried it and did the same. It went into the trash. I'm so glad we didn't pay for this!

son did care for the sauce on this one

Neither one of my kids would even try this one. My kids are picky eaters though. I tried a bite and I thought it was okay but I would chose to eat it either.

My three year old ate one bite and wouldn't touch it again. She said she didn't like the taste. She isn't usually a picky eater, but I didn't try it myself to see what it tasted like. Based on her response, I wouldn't buy it. Great idea to make a quick and easy meal, but if she doesn't like it, then it's not worth buying.

My son who will eat anything, tried this and didn't like it at all. Great concept for a quick meal, but if it's not tasty enough for my kid to eat it, then I won't spend my money on it.

Of all of the four flavors we were given I would have to say my son liked the Macaroni & Beef the best. Unfortunately, I don't think we will be buying this product unless we had a coupon. He wasn't exactly thrilled with these. Sorry.