Coca Cola Diet Coke

Coca Cola Diet Coke

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I prefer regular coke because the fake sugar kind of scares me. However, this pop (and I drink a lot of pop-including the high sugar Mountain Dew) really gives me a sugar rush and an energy boost.

Its o.k. But if i had to choose. It would be diet pepsi!

I love soda and my favorite brand is coke. Diet coke has changed a little but I still love the taste.

I like Diet Coke, when I'm in a cola mood. But I'm more of a Diet Dr. Pepper girl! My friends Tara and Brooke get a 32 oz every day!

I used to be addicted to Diet Coke. I would grab a DC instead of water most of the time. I have to say I've kicked the habit and its not my favorite anymore.

Splenda sweetener a personal problem with Coke I have enjoyed Diet Coke in the past until my daughter became a Registered Dietician, who then explained the chemical composition of the Splenda Sweetener. I would be more interested if there were Coke products sweetened with Stevia. It is a nice occasional beverage, but choose others more often.

It's okay and it doesn't taste too artificial but it leaves a funny after taste and isn't nearly as good as coke at Pepsi

NO!NO!NO! Yucky and unhealthy.

Has an ok taste. Wish it didn't have that awful after taste.

I am not a huge fan of diet sodas! I do believe that they aren't very good for you and besides the difference in sugar levels, Diet Coke still has the acidity levels and carbonation as a regular Coke does - all of which are not good for you for a number of reasons and last but not least, the amount of sodium in Diet Coke is not preferable either in my opinion.

I don't like diet Coke. It tastes like chemicals. If im going to have soda I prefer having the real one ( non diet kind ) this way It taste better. I just have it less.

Years ago diet coke was good. I think the recipe had changed. After taste is not appealing.

the taste of the artificial sweetener is too overwhelming. I don't like any beverages that I can taste the artificial sweeteners in. if I'm going to drink a diet soda I'd rather drink Pepsi max because the artificial sweetener can't be tasted.

Its ok but with all the sugar in regular and diet soda i think id rather drink water

I have to admit I like Diet Coke but as a advocate for healthy lifestyles in my professional life I have to say it is comprised of lots of artificial this and that but the times I have cracked open a can the taste is pretty clean and refreshing...hypocritical lol yes but honest at least there is no calories sigh.