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Facebook Facebook.com

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I used to have a myspace, got on it everyday just to check out whats going on. I got really sick of mypace. Then I was like hey, theres facebook I could go to. I love facebook, I get on it everyday.

I used to have a myspace, got on it everyday just to check out whats going on. I got really sick of mypace. Then I was like hey, theres facebook I could go to. I love facebook, I get on it everyday.

I used to have a myspace, got on it everyday just to check out whats going on. I got really sick of mypace. Then I was like hey, theres facebook I could go to. I love facebook, I get on it everyday.

I LOVE this site. The privacy settings are amazing, so besides just those friends and family members I choose to add as a friend, you can see no information about me... NADA. Its a great way to keep in touch with friends and family members who you may not get to speak too all the time. So even though I may not have spoken to "so n so" in a while i know how things are going in thier lives, and how the kids are. I can even keep track of our churches social events, invites to events that other friends are planning... Truly wonderful! I think i possibly would not know what to do with myself if I didnt have access to FB =)

I LOVE this site. The privacy settings are amazing, so besides just those friends and family members I choose to add as a friend, you can see no information about me... NADA. Its a great way to keep in touch with friends and family members who you may not get to speak too all the time. So even though I may not have spoken to "so n so" in a while i know how things are going in thier lives, and how the kids are. I can even keep track of our churches social events, invites to events that other friends are planning... Truly wonderful! I think i possibly would not know what to do with myself if I didnt have access to FB =)

I LOVE this site. The privacy settings are amazing, so besides just those friends and family members I choose to add as a friend, you can see no information about me... NADA. Its a great way to keep in touch with friends and family members who you may not get to speak too all the time. So even though I may not have spoken to "so n so" in a while i know how things are going in thier lives, and how the kids are. I can even keep track of our churches social events, invites to events that other friends are planning... Truly wonderful! I think i possibly would not know what to do with myself if I didnt have access to FB =)

FB is a great site to keep connected. With anything in life, be careful about what you post. BUT ENJOY keeping up with family & friends around the world.

FB is a great site to keep connected. With anything in life, be careful about what you post. BUT ENJOY keeping up with family & friends around the world.

FB is a great site to keep connected. With anything in life, be careful about what you post. BUT ENJOY keeping up with family & friends around the world.

I was in love with facebook for about the first year i was on it. It was only until recently that i was very disappointed with Facebook. Here recently they came out with Facebook places. This is a very dangerous thing. Basically it tells everyone out in Facebook land where you are with an exact location when you get on facebook from your cell phone, home, or office. Seriously if you sign on from out of town that just screams to all the people on Facebook that is up to no good hey go rob my home, or hey you can come stalk me im at Starbucks on such and such street. That is not very safe at all. So if people dont know about this new feature or doesnt disable it then it could be potentially dangerous. Other than that and all the game app invites you get in the course of a day i really like it. It has been a great way to keep in touch with family, friends, and old school mates. If it wasnt for Facebook i wouldnt have known about my 10 year high school reunion.

I was in love with facebook for about the first year i was on it. It was only until recently that i was very disappointed with Facebook. Here recently they came out with Facebook places. This is a very dangerous thing. Basically it tells everyone out in Facebook land where you are with an exact location when you get on facebook from your cell phone, home, or office. Seriously if you sign on from out of town that just screams to all the people on Facebook that is up to no good hey go rob my home, or hey you can come stalk me im at Starbucks on such and such street. That is not very safe at all. So if people dont know about this new feature or doesnt disable it then it could be potentially dangerous. Other than that and all the game app invites you get in the course of a day i really like it. It has been a great way to keep in touch with family, friends, and old school mates. If it wasnt for Facebook i wouldnt have known about my 10 year high school reunion.

I was in love with facebook for about the first year i was on it. It was only until recently that i was very disappointed with Facebook. Here recently they came out with Facebook places. This is a very dangerous thing. Basically it tells everyone out in Facebook land where you are with an exact location when you get on facebook from your cell phone, home, or office. Seriously if you sign on from out of town that just screams to all the people on Facebook that is up to no good hey go rob my home, or hey you can come stalk me im at Starbucks on such and such street. That is not very safe at all. So if people dont know about this new feature or doesnt disable it then it could be potentially dangerous. Other than that and all the game app invites you get in the course of a day i really like it. It has been a great way to keep in touch with family, friends, and old school mates. If it wasnt for Facebook i wouldnt have known about my 10 year high school reunion.

OK, I'll admit it, I am a wee bit addicted to facebook. It has its pros and cons. The pros being it is an easy tool to stay in touch with family and friends, especially if they live far away. There are many cons though; you should be cautious of what you post because everyone can see your business. For most users to go in and modify the security settings to their account it's really not as straight forward as it should be. I see many of the younger users posting inappropriate posts that will most likely bite them in the backside when their out there tyring to land that dream job. Why? Because all these posts can be traced on Google. Go ahead, type in your childs name and see what comes up. Also facebook has admitted to allowing third parties to gather their users information and has had security leaks. Just today one was posted on MSN on how someone cracked their site and retrieved users names and profile information along with photos. Are you sure you want to post your childrens photos on this site? Another con is that there are many annoying applications that pop up on your wall at all times. You can "hide" them if you know how to though. And one of the biggest cons....viruses. Do NOT open a video that is sent to you as a message on facebook, you will probably wish you didn't. So you decide, do the cons out weigh the pros? From reading my post it sounds as if do, but I still enjoy using facebook, I just use it wisely.

OK, I'll admit it, I am a wee bit addicted to facebook. It has its pros and cons. The pros being it is an easy tool to stay in touch with family and friends, especially if they live far away. There are many cons though; you should be cautious of what you post because everyone can see your business. For most users to go in and modify the security settings to their account it's really not as straight forward as it should be. I see many of the younger users posting inappropriate posts that will most likely bite them in the backside when their out there tyring to land that dream job. Why? Because all these posts can be traced on Google. Go ahead, type in your childs name and see what comes up. Also facebook has admitted to allowing third parties to gather their users information and has had security leaks. Just today one was posted on MSN on how someone cracked their site and retrieved users names and profile information along with photos. Are you sure you want to post your childrens photos on this site? Another con is that there are many annoying applications that pop up on your wall at all times. You can "hide" them if you know how to though. And one of the biggest cons....viruses. Do NOT open a video that is sent to you as a message on facebook, you will probably wish you didn't. So you decide, do the cons out weigh the pros? From reading my post it sounds as if do, but I still enjoy using facebook, I just use it wisely.

OK, I'll admit it, I am a wee bit addicted to facebook. It has its pros and cons. The pros being it is an easy tool to stay in touch with family and friends, especially if they live far away. There are many cons though; you should be cautious of what you post because everyone can see your business. For most users to go in and modify the security settings to their account it's really not as straight forward as it should be. I see many of the younger users posting inappropriate posts that will most likely bite them in the backside when their out there tyring to land that dream job. Why? Because all these posts can be traced on Google. Go ahead, type in your childs name and see what comes up. Also facebook has admitted to allowing third parties to gather their users information and has had security leaks. Just today one was posted on MSN on how someone cracked their site and retrieved users names and profile information along with photos. Are you sure you want to post your childrens photos on this site? Another con is that there are many annoying applications that pop up on your wall at all times. You can "hide" them if you know how to though. And one of the biggest cons....viruses. Do NOT open a video that is sent to you as a message on facebook, you will probably wish you didn't. So you decide, do the cons out weigh the pros? From reading my post it sounds as if do, but I still enjoy using facebook, I just use it wisely.

Never joined and never will. The inanities and trivialities posted my many members are what keeps me away. "I'm going ot make a sandwich now"; "I'm watching my favorite show". WHO CARES? And I value my own privacy, so I don't need people I used to go to high school with knowing about the details of my life 25 years later. PLUS - as I understand it, the security isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Never joined and never will. The inanities and trivialities posted my many members are what keeps me away. "I'm going ot make a sandwich now"; "I'm watching my favorite show". WHO CARES? And I value my own privacy, so I don't need people I used to go to high school with knowing about the details of my life 25 years later. PLUS - as I understand it, the security isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Never joined and never will. The inanities and trivialities posted my many members are what keeps me away. "I'm going ot make a sandwich now"; "I'm watching my favorite show". WHO CARES? And I value my own privacy, so I don't need people I used to go to high school with knowing about the details of my life 25 years later. PLUS - as I understand it, the security isn't all it's cracked up to be.

i love this website im on 24/7

i love this website im on 24/7

i love this website im on 24/7

My husband and I moved 3 states away from home because he is in the Air Force and we we're based out here. Facebook is such a great way for us to keep in contact and see how things are going with our friends and family back home! Sometime it gets annoying, but overall it's really nice to have!

My husband and I moved 3 states away from home because he is in the Air Force and we we're based out here. Facebook is such a great way for us to keep in contact and see how things are going with our friends and family back home! Sometime it gets annoying, but overall it's really nice to have!

My husband and I moved 3 states away from home because he is in the Air Force and we we're based out here. Facebook is such a great way for us to keep in contact and see how things are going with our friends and family back home! Sometime it gets annoying, but overall it's really nice to have!

i only have an account to keep track of my old buddies, other then that, i only go on once every 2-3 months. why should i tell people or let people know what i am doing every second of my life?

i only have an account to keep track of my old buddies, other then that, i only go on once every 2-3 months. why should i tell people or let people know what i am doing every second of my life?

i only have an account to keep track of my old buddies, other then that, i only go on once every 2-3 months. why should i tell people or let people know what i am doing every second of my life?

I like facebook because you can get intouch with people you have not seen or heard from in a long time , but I do not like the fact that other can enter your site through other people you know.

I like facebook because you can get intouch with people you have not seen or heard from in a long time , but I do not like the fact that other can enter your site through other people you know.

I like facebook because you can get intouch with people you have not seen or heard from in a long time , but I do not like the fact that other can enter your site through other people you know.

I was on Facebook for 6 weeks and deleted my account. I will never go back, EVER. I encountered so many judgmental and rude people, so much drama, and quite a few perverts. The last straw was when two women were fighting (and swearing) in comments on my "wall" and tried dragging me into it even though I wasn't online! I'll stick to MySpace and myYearbook.

I was on Facebook for 6 weeks and deleted my account. I will never go back, EVER. I encountered so many judgmental and rude people, so much drama, and quite a few perverts. The last straw was when two women were fighting (and swearing) in comments on my "wall" and tried dragging me into it even though I wasn't online! I'll stick to MySpace and myYearbook.

I was on Facebook for 6 weeks and deleted my account. I will never go back, EVER. I encountered so many judgmental and rude people, so much drama, and quite a few perverts. The last straw was when two women were fighting (and swearing) in comments on my "wall" and tried dragging me into it even though I wasn't online! I'll stick to MySpace and myYearbook.

i like facebook because i have found friends i had in kindergarten! it's also nice to just stay caught up on what people you know are doing, even those you dont know too well. i also like that there isnt all the extra profile get up like on myspace. that causes sooo much viruses and hacking issues. the games (farmville, zombie, vampireland) are kinda annoying though. i'm not interested in seeing every time someone make a point, luckily i can just hide those items. it's a good way to stay in touch with all the military friends around the globe though.

i like facebook because i have found friends i had in kindergarten! it's also nice to just stay caught up on what people you know are doing, even those you dont know too well. i also like that there isnt all the extra profile get up like on myspace. that causes sooo much viruses and hacking issues. the games (farmville, zombie, vampireland) are kinda annoying though. i'm not interested in seeing every time someone make a point, luckily i can just hide those items. it's a good way to stay in touch with all the military friends around the globe though.

i like facebook because i have found friends i had in kindergarten! it's also nice to just stay caught up on what people you know are doing, even those you dont know too well. i also like that there isnt all the extra profile get up like on myspace. that causes sooo much viruses and hacking issues. the games (farmville, zombie, vampireland) are kinda annoying though. i'm not interested in seeing every time someone make a point, luckily i can just hide those items. it's a good way to stay in touch with all the military friends around the globe though.

Facebook was cool until everyone in the world had to have it . Its great to find new and old friends but I don't need my whole family on the website.

Facebook was cool until everyone in the world had to have it . Its great to find new and old friends but I don't need my whole family on the website.

Facebook was cool until everyone in the world had to have it . Its great to find new and old friends but I don't need my whole family on the website.

I do believe that Facebook is a very cool networking tool, but I'm over it. The apps and bugs scare me. And after a month of it, the novelty wore off for me.

I do believe that Facebook is a very cool networking tool, but I'm over it. The apps and bugs scare me. And after a month of it, the novelty wore off for me.

I do believe that Facebook is a very cool networking tool, but I'm over it. The apps and bugs scare me. And after a month of it, the novelty wore off for me.

very confusing and much harder to navigate than myspace. also i like myspace better because you can customize your profile much more than facebook. And by the way I really hate all the farmville and other application things i recieve all the time.

very confusing and much harder to navigate than myspace. also i like myspace better because you can customize your profile much more than facebook. And by the way I really hate all the farmville and other application things i recieve all the time.

very confusing and much harder to navigate than myspace. also i like myspace better because you can customize your profile much more than facebook. And by the way I really hate all the farmville and other application things i recieve all the time.