Nintendo Wii Fit

Nintendo Wii Fit

              Rated #6 in Video Games
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561 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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I have had the Wii Fit for about 3 years now. I enjoy getting exersice while having fun. My daughter is now old enough to play the Wii Fit with me which makes it way more entertaining.

This was amazing when it first came out. I admit that I was skeptical. But it really does work. I used this after my daughter was born to help with losing the pregnancy weight. but I hardly felt like I was working out, because I was having so much fun. My husband especially loved it when I'd do the hula hoop exercises and the segway...he never laughed so hard. Too bad I couldn't get him to use it much but I sure as heck did. I love the variety of activities and the ranges and how it kept track of your use and progress. This is a product that not only is beneficial and practical, it's fun and easy to use. I love it. Can't wait to do it again.

What a great, fun workout!

I love using the Wii Fit to track my weight. It's so helpful in telling me where I should be and how to get there. I used this when I was losing my baby weight with my first one. I am pregnant again but come the end of August, I will be using this to start all over.

I use to play like every day. It was fun. My favorite was boxing and hula hoop

This is a fun way to work out. All u have to do is turn it on and u have a practically free gym. The exercises and goals applied give u something to really look forward to achieving. The work outs are challenging and fun. Also a great way to regain balance.

I homeschool my children, and live in Washington state where it rains 10 month out of the year! I use this for PE daily! I love it because it keeps track of their exercise, and calories!

When I can get my little ones to leave the room for a while I love working out (ok playing) the wii fit. My favorite is the stepper. I like that it tracks my progress (and slip ups) but does it really have to say.. "Oh" when I step up to be weighed? I am waiting for the thing to say.. "Will one of you please step off" It is great for those that want to workout at home or are looking for a way to get a little more movement into their day. I do wish more of the exercises could be multi player but there are other options available when it is play time.

I had this game when it first came out....It's so much fun....and playing it is like a workout so you can lose weight too. There are so many games in the system so you are never tired of the games. They have a workout mode but a game model so it's fun for everyone. The only problem is you need space so you can move around and play. But it's a great game and I would definitely recommend it to everyone.

My son got this with his Wii several years ago. We still use, my son and a daughter. We have so much fun with it. We love keeping up with the fitness changes, the co-ordination challenges, just all around "playing" together. I don't enjoy video games per say, but what better way to have quality time with a son...a teenage son at that! And for my son and daughter (college age) to connect. The fact that it really does give a GREAT workout is such a side bonus!

Easy to use and fun for the whole family. We enjoy using this as a family. The preschooler can even get in on the fun instead of just watching game play.

I had this when it first came out and was so much fun. My younger siblings, and my parents, would practically fight over who was next. It's a great work out and is great for fidgety kids, it will keep them entertained with all of the activities.

I love how it gets kids moving and they love it. If you want to keep your kids active and having fun then buy Nintendo Wii Fit. The kids love this game I have a hard time pulling the kids away.

Very great way to exercise and have fun with the family. Very easy to understand

We just bought the wii u. I got wii fit to use with it. I absolutely love it. It weighs you and tells you if you're under weight, normal, or overweight. It tells you your bmi. It also makes routines specifically for your weight and your goal weight. It tells you tips on weight loss. The games are also super fun. I'm under weight actually, I bought the game specifically for the mini games not so much weight loss.