RoC® RETINOL CORREXION® Deep Wrinkle Night Cream

RoC® RETINOL CORREXION® Deep Wrinkle Night Cream

              Rated #659 in Skin Care
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555 Reviews 3.7/5 stars
83% Recommended
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I have been using the Roc cream for a little over two weeks. I have not had any problems with redness or irritation. I like how my skin feels and it is not greasy. I have not noticed any changes yet but look forward to the next few weeks.

So far, I have enjoyed using the product! I like the texture and a little goes a long way. When I wake up in the morning, my face looks smoother and less wrinkled.

I have been using RoC® RETINOL CORREXION® Deep Wrinkle Night Cream for over two weeks now and haven't noticed any difference in the wrinkles, fine lines, or texture of my skin. I will keep on with trial though, maybe my skin is just going to take longer to show any results. On the flip side at least I have not experienced any redness or rashes like some other people.

I have been using it since it arrived and although it feels very nice on my skin I cannot say it has made much of a difference in my crows feet. Will see what more time using does.

I have been using RoC for two weeks. I have had no problems with sensitivity or redness. I haven't seen any changes yet with my wrinkles, even the fine lines. I do like the product, and my skin has been very soft since I started using it. I am hopeful I will see some changes by 12 weeks.

I've tryed other retinol products including prescription. All were too harsh and drying on my skin! Red spots and burning made my skin look worse and uncomfortable. When invited to try Roc Retinol Correxion I figured I would have some more of the same effects but why not try it. Well the first evening my skin felt a little dry and tight so I reduced the amount I was applying! So far I have had good results. Really see softening of fine lines around the mouth area which is my biggest problem. So far so good!

I have used the product for about two weeks and have not noticed any positive changes. The arrival of the sample coincided with allergy season so it is hard for me to tell if my itchy eyes are becuase of the Retinol or hayfever. Lines are still present and, given how deep they are, may not respond to this product. But I will keep using it and see what happens.

I think that these are very good products. I am definitely seeing a softening of the deep wrinkles. The reason that I did not give it a 5 star rating, is that it does make me break out with little bumps where I apply it. I am hoping that wrinkles keep getting diminished, and I will be quite happy. It is much more effective than a lot of products I have tried in the past!

It has been almost two weeks now that I have been using the Roc and although the effects are dramatic I do notice that my wrinkles have diminished a bit... I like the way the Roc smooths onto my face and it doesn't leave me feeling sticky.. I haven't noticed any harness from the Roc... I will continue to use until the product is gone and report back..

I've been using ROC for almost 2 weeks. I havn't noticed much in lines fading but, my skin does feel smoother and it seems to be more of an even tone. I havn't had any side effects. Looking forward to see what the results over the next few weeks will bring.

I have been using Roc a little over 2 weeks. Some wrinkles are less noticeable and I have noticed that the sagging around my chin is almost gone. I can't wait to see the improvements over the next few weeks.

Could be working! My skin feels soft and people have told me I look glowy! So far so good!

I'm almost done with my 2nd week of using the RoC Deep Wrinkle Night Cream. So far I have had none of the bothersome side effects I've heard are possible, and as of yet no real difference in the lines or texture of my skin. The product smells good and goes on nice and light. My skin feels good. I'm hoping to see some remarkable changes in the next few weeks.

I've been using this product the last 2 weeks and I can tell a huge difference already. My face feels so much smoother and my worry lines aren't as deep as they were. Very pleased with this product.

the Roc is working really good. Have not had any redness or rash, which I was worried about.