Zarbee's Children's Cough Syrup

Zarbee's Children's Cough Syrup

              Rated #39 in Other
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40 Reviews 4.3/5 stars
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I have never had this but I will try it.

Love thios cough syrup. love that is all natural and works great!

We love this for my 2 yo. He likes the taste and I like the relief it provides him.

It's pretty good, a littel on the expensive side, but considering ti worked pretty good at getting rid of the cold, it is worth it. The flavor could be better.

First time I tried it my son was five month's old and he refused it. It was too sweet for him (he still isn't into sweets at 18 months). When I was able to get a little in him it didn't do much. He was offer a year the next time I tried it and he took it easier that time but still didn't seem to like the taste. It helped reduce his coughing but not stop it. It's affordable and an easy to find natural way to help even the youngest children. So it's with a try.

This does help calm a cough but I feel it is only temporary like maybe 10-15 minutes in my experience. It is nice though to have something to help the younger children even if it is only for 10-15 min.

Over the counter cold medications do not help younger ages. When a baby gets a cold all you could do was tough it out. This product is able to be used for those younger ages and helps somewhat but it is a trade off. I find that a spoon full of honey helps just as much as this medication. I love that a brand thought of those younger ages and tried to come up with a solution to over the counter medication. But honey is cheaper.

It's okay This is an okay syrup. I don't think that it actually helped my daughter with her cough. It is way too sticky. I wouldn't think that a cough syrup, even one with honey, would be so sticky.

Careful Careful can cause nausea and vomitting. Product does work if your child is able to keep down.

I tried this for my daughter and she couldn't get past the taste of it. She cried when I tried to get her to drink more. I tried it myself and it was gross. I just wish it tasted better, because I really wanted to see how well it worked.