Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

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357 Reviews 4.9/5 stars
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Love Dr. Seuss I absolutely love this book! I have one for each of my kids and I have all their teachers sign it and I plan to give it to them for graduation.

Not just for kids I absolutely love this book and I don't have kids! From what I understand, he wrote this as he approached old age, and as I get older I can relate to this book, and actually to all his books. He was a gem.

Great graduation gift I bought this for my daughter and have been having all her teachers sign it. This will be a gift at her high school graduation.

My Son Loves this Story I read this book to my son at night before bed. He has always been a fan of the vibrant and imaginative stories of Dr. Seuss

Great Book Great book! Have all my daughters teachers sign it and will give to her at her high school graduation!

Great book Its a fun book to go through with your kiddos and I love how you can relate it to all the steps your children will go through in life. My son loves it and the baby loves the bright colors!

This book is a family favorite. My youngest always requests it for her bed time story.

Every child should have this book This is a wonderful book and I have read it to each one of my children. A great little thing I have started is that each year I have asked my daughter's teacher to write her an inspirational message to her. Then on her graduation day I plan to give it to her to keep not just look over. I think having the book itself and the messages from those who helped push her in school can do wonders in a college setting when she is feeling discouraged!

Awesome! Wonderful book I absolutely adore. Used this for a graduation speech and was a complete successful

A Book For All Ages: Perfect Graduation Gift I love giving a copy of this book to anyone graduating a program. From kindergarten to middle school to high school to college. The lessons in this book are applicable for all ages.

Dr. Seuss is clever, and all his books are enjoyable. This one makes an excellent graduation gift.

Perfect graduation gift! This is my go-to graduation gift! I received it when I graduated from high school, and I still have my copy. It is a wonderful way to mark the end of one chapter and the opening of a new one, and all the as yet unknown adventures that await the graduate!

great gift for college grads such a great book. really good for college graduates

Everyone Needs To Read Dr. Seuss This clever book is ideal for children of any age! I gift this to high school and college graduates too!

This book belongs in every home library. It's a wonderful treasure and gift that will delight every generation for years to come.