Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

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Great book. I love all of Dr. Seuss' books. My sister-in-law gave this book to my son when he graduated from high school. That was 12 years ago and he passed it on to my grandkids and they love it.

Best book ever~! Can give it to a college student or grade school grad. What a wonderful message to give to someone. You may struggle along the way but what fun you will have getting to where you are supposed to go! Favorite Dr. Suess book ever!

This is a great book for kids of all ages and even adults! It's cute and funny, like most Dr. Suess books, but it's also very inspirational and sweet. My kids are still young, but I have heard of a lot of parents giving this gift as a graduation gift and some parents have had the child's teachers sign it every year. What an awesome gift idea! Wonderful book!

Like all Dr. Seuss books, this is a wonderful book. However, because of the message it gives all of us at all different ages I put this in a separate category from all others! My husband and I both read this to our babies while I was pregnant. I have no doubt babies know the special voices of parents when read to in the womb. This book as welll as Cat in the Hat were the ones we read the most. I still find it an amazing read for us mid-life parents and still can generate reflective thought on the lives we are living. This book seems to move through life with you. Our sons are 5 and 10, and I'm sure when the first one graduates highschool, this book will bring tears to my eyes.

Another great Dr. Seuss book. Love to read his books to my grandkids!!

My first book I ever read was a Dr. Suess book, and I always loved Dr. Seuss, so imagine my surprise when I picked up this book to read to my younger brother and realized that this book had a universal message about life for all ages, in the silly rhymes of this childrens book. I was so impressed. It is now my and my brothers favorite Dr. Suess book.

Love the story. Great graduation gift.

Love this book. Actually love all the Dr Seuss books. When my husband has reading time with our son they will pick out one of the Dr Seuss books. Its there specials books to read together.

My favorite Dr. Suess book, for sure! I have good memories reading this to my now one-year old son when he was only a couple months old! He loved looking at the colorful pages and hearing the long strings of rhymes. It tells a beautiful and inspiring story for both kids and adults. I got the book as a gift when I got married from my brother. What a good gift for a college student or newly wed. Very entertaining and inspiring!

Oh dr sesus i can never get enough of you. Love it a big kid at heart

Great book to give to kids graduating high school to inspire them!

Dr. Suess books are a great introduction to imagination and determination. I love that Dr. Suess books can be read to any age and at any age you can see something different in the meaning.

I had received this as a Congratulations present for graduating. Now I have a child of my own and I read it to her a little bit at a time. It is a great book with a great message of how life really is. Not sugar coated. :)

I used to love these books as a child.

This is a perfect gift for not just children, but college or high school grads too! Write a little note inside instead of giving it as a card and there you go! It's a thoughtful gift that the grad is sure to enjoy! I got one as a high school graduation present and it was one of my favorite gifts.