Stephenie Meyer Twilight

Stephenie Meyer Twilight

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More of a guilty pleasure than anything else. The plot borders on predictable, there is an abundance of purple prose, and yet you keep reading. I wouldn't liken it to Shakespeare or Dickens, I wouldn't say it's challenging or introspective--but it kills time in a wonderfully satisying way.

I have tried, repeatedly, to read the book and honestly I just can't deal with the writing style. My husband is trying to read it now but so far isn't having any better luck. Beware the "dust moats" ( their typo - not mine).

I enjoyed the book, as far as I tapped into the inner 14-year-old inside of me. As a 44-year-old woman, that type of obsessive love romance just doesn't appeal to me the same way it used to. The imagery is beautiful with vivid descriptions. The book actually played out in my head like a movie, always a sign of good imagery in my opinion. It was somewhat 'addictive' as i found myself reading each and every volume as it was released in the series. All of that would give it a solid four rating. However, I have reduced it for one reason - the same obsessive love that I wrote about in the above paragraph. While I know that is how teens typically 'love' at their age, I do not think this was a healthy relationship for Bella. I did find Edward very overbearing, becoming controlling and jealous, even somewhat cruel in later books. The fact that Bella did not stand up to him, thereby presenting a positive role model to young teenage girls bothered me. She eventually chose Edward, which I could understand on some level. He is that forbidden fruit, the bad boy type girls fall for in their youth. However, I want my daughter to grow up strong and if she is being controlled or mistreated by some young man, I want her to have the strength to walk away. And to pick the one that may not be as exciting but that is more solid and kind. I think that books and movies are important role models for our children, so I must take away some credit for the author's lack of strength in the character of Bella.

Good book. The writer really puts in the feelings and energy of a teenager in love. Great details, pulls you into the book and makes you want to read the entire series.

The story line was about love that won't end, that is fine for a 15-year-old but I am 42 years old, therefore, it did not hold my interest very well. I thought the story moved along slowly. I don't think it is okay for a teenage girl to be obsessed by a boy. That is just not healthy. Girls should be taught to make themselves happy first. I would have let my teenage daughter read it but I don't think it would have held her interest either. All in all, it was ok.

Good book, ok movie.

I loved the series, and the movies. These were the first books I read through with out getting board. I have never read a book out of hobby or leisure time. I read in school for reports but I never was patient enough to read. But since I read these books, I went onto reading all of Harry Potter, House of Night, Host, P.C Cast, Sookies Stakehouses, Evermore, Night Huntress, and K. Sparks, C. Clare and so many others. I got to give S. Meyer credit to get me to start reading

While I didn't go into this series with high expectations, it was alright. Love the series as a whole and I was a much bigger fan of New Moon. The writing in this book is atrocious by any writer's standards, but it was a guilty pleasure.

Twilight was an okay book. If you're looking for a beautifully written story, this is not it. But if you want a fun story line then you will definitely enjoy it.

At first, is was an amazing book. I absolutely loved it and was completely obsessed with it. But that was when I was in middle school. As I am now much older, the story is still a great story, but it has just lost its thrill. I have recently reread the series, and realized it wasn't as great as I thought it was. I still love the story and all of the twists and characters, but the writing really isn't impressive at all. Though not many could create a story like that, almost anyone could write as well, if not better

I loath her writing style, but the characters are lovable.

I enjoyed the story but her writing is not what I'm used to. She writes like she is a 15 yr. old teenager. Yes, thats great for the book but sometimes can be difficult to read.

This is a really great story. She has just the right blend of drama, romance, and cliff-hanging to make you never want to put the book down. I loved it.

Really Great book, I thought I would hate it since I didn't like Sci-fi type books. It put me in a whole new world of reading. Very well written and intriguing!

These books made my pregnancy so much easier, it gave me a place to escape to! Loved being pregnant with Bella at the same time lol.