Pepsi  Throwback

Pepsi Throwback

              Rated #168 in Beverages
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313 Reviews 3.9/5 stars
76% Recommended
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This is a great alternative for a soda since I try to avoid HFCS in foods. The taste is great but like all soda the calories are high.

Dont like it too much sugar for me :(

I am a huge Pepsi fan and throwback is just as awesome! Great Pepsi taste, can't beat it!

took me bad to when i was little - the way drinks really tasted good

Dont care for Pepsi

love it....

Gotta love this! I can't resist the taste of pepsi. Im not old enough to remember the old pepsi but this is better than the one I remember.

I thought I would really love this...but I think I prefer the Pepsi with "processed sugars"! I wouldn't say NO WAY to it either.

I love this it would be nice if they replaced all their soda with real sugar. I am not a fan of high fructose corn syrup.


This is how I remember Pepsi growing up. Can't beat real sugar.

Pepsi Throwback has a great taste that reminds me of my childhood. It's best served cold and is refreshing and delicious.

This is absolutly horrible!! I didn't realize there would be such a difference from the regular. There was and it was horrible!! I tried Mt.Dew Throwback as well and it was just as nasty. Do not waste your money!!

I love Pepsi Throwback. I appreciate that it's made with sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. It does taste like I remember from my childhood. My kids love to drink Mountain Dew Throwback. Please keep on the market, along with Sierra Mist All Natural. Thank you, Pepsi, for listening to your customers.

I prefer the taste of Throwback to other regular soda yet friends who were here didn't care for it. I buy the 12 packs and hope it isn't discontinued.