Pepsi  Throwback

Pepsi Throwback

              Rated #168 in Beverages
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313 Reviews 3.9/5 stars
76% Recommended
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I tried it a few times, it is a taste that you have to get used to. Will try it again soon.

At first it had a weird taste , but as I finished the whole thing it was really good. It reminded me of the good ol days. It has turned into my favorite. I wish all sodas were made like this one.

I like this pepsi product. However, I prefer the original pepsi. Its a little too sweet tasting for my tatses.

I love how "vintage" this product is! Taste good too!

I don't usually like Pepsi products but the Trowback tastes so good. The natural sugar is definitely what makes the taste.

Very good drink no aftertaste!

So so good! I can't tell a difference in the Throwback and the Regular but I absolutely love Pepsi in general so this is quite delicious to me.

I prefer the throwback Pepsi over the regular Pepsi. I think its sweeter.

I am not much of a dark soda drinker. For me this is too sweet.

This product taste good, I couldn't really tell the difference between this and the original Pepsi.

If this one and the other Pepsi are side by side, I choose this one everytime! It has a better after taste. I love pepsi anyway but this one is better.

Pepsi throw back is a lot like the old pepsi. I would rather have a throw back then a regular Pepsi. Regular Pepsi has corn syrup witch is bad for you. Real sugar is healthier. Throwback rocks.

I prefer the taste of Pepsi over coca-cola. The Throwback Pepsi tasted great, and I didn't notice much of a difference.

they should do more of this. i like the throwback style.

I love this soda! It's made with real sugar instead of HFCS witch is super great!