Carmex Lip Balm

Carmex Lip Balm

              Rated #3 in Makeup - Lips
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263 Reviews 4.6/5 stars
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Great lip balm to sooth dry lips, especially in the winter.

Great for chapped/cracked lips, it really heals them fast. I personally like the strong kinda minty smell, but for some people it might be too overwhelming and for sure people around you will know you are wearing carmex, but if that doesn't bother you I recommend it. Very reasonable price!

This lip balm works great on my dry lips, and I've been using it for years. It doesn't smell or taste good, but I don't mind as long as it moisturizes my lips. Sometimes when my lips are flaky, I apply this, and within an hour or so, the dry skin just rubs right off of my lips. The only bad thing about this balm, is that it can make your throat hurt a little if you swallow too much from licking your lips.

This is one of my regulars I love the smell.

This is an amazing product but it smells so bad! Even the flavored Carmex smell bad and taste really bad. I don't eat it on purpose but it is on your lips and will eventually get in your mouth but its just so bad. But this product is great for when you have very bad chapped lips and nothing else has worked. I use this a lot during the winter since it snows where I live and the temperature gets very very cold. Overall great product and would recommend

you cant beat this Carmex product for soothing and rehydrating your lips, especially when chapped. The scent is soothing as it feels like you are healing/medicating your lips, but it is a little strong, so dont wear it if you plan to kiss some one soon. Wear it at bedtime for long lasting and best results.

Before I met EOS - Carmex was my go to lip balm. The ONLY thing I wish they would chane is the scent, but other than that, if you're looking for a product that does the job Carmex is one of the few in my opinion!

Definitely a good product to turn to when your lips are really chapped. It works well in healing and leaving lips feeling soft and smooth. And you can't beat the price.

this is great for those of us who forget the balm until its too late! this saved my butt when i was out camping in the dry woodsy area just outside arrowbear.. i was never happier to see this, as the only other working product for already chapped lips wasnt that super menthol-y blistex tube. [the original blistex, not the nice new balms they made after] but i wouldnt wait until then to put some of this on.. worth the $.

Great product for chapped lips but I do not like how shiny it is.

I love this balm! It smells fine, if not great, and it does an exceptional job on lips. If only this formulation came in a stick! I would, can, and do recommend this to friends! (I realize Carmex does have a stick, but it's not as good as the formula in the pot).

I love that Carmex has that little tingle. It lets you know it's working! Carmex is great at staying on and last for a few hours. To me, it's not only a great healing product, but also a great prevention product.

One of the best medicated lip products..truly a classic. My only problem is sticking my finger into the pot...I don't like it but prefer to buy the tube.

Carmex Lip Balm is GREAT! It definately works on chapped or cracked lips very quickly.

I've been using carmex for years. I love the way that it feels however it tastes awful if you get it on your teeth. I always put it on right before i go to bed and when i wake up in the morning my lips feel wonderful! I love the triangle tube because you can leave it in the car in the summer and it doesn't melt into the cap! one of the best chap sticks by far!