RoC® RETINOL CORREXION® Deep Wrinkle Night Cream

RoC® RETINOL CORREXION® Deep Wrinkle Night Cream

              Rated #659 in Skin Care
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555 Reviews 3.7/5 stars
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It's a nice moisturizer, but I must have waited to late and the wrinkles are set in stone :( I'll continue using, but unless I see some results before the end of the tubes, I can't justify purchasing this product.

I have seen the fine lines around my lips and eyes fading. The deeper wrinkles have softened, slightly. The sun spots on my face have faded to the point they do not show when I apply makeup. A few more weeks and they should be history. No other product has been able to eliminate them, so this is very exciting. My skin is softer and has even tone to it. I have ot experience any issues with breakouts or burning. I expected the product to be thick and smell like medicine. It is smooth and the smell is pleasant. I am enjoying the product so far and will continue using it.

This is incredible. I've been using it for a month now & I can really tell a difference. Considering how effective it has been, it is a real bargain. I use the Complete Life Moisturizer (ROC also) after the night cream has been absorbed. BTW ... Amazon has good prices on all the ROC products. ROC is the greatest line of anti aging products I've ever tried. Thanks She Speaks1!!!

I'm on my third week and there's no noticeable difference on the forehead wrinkles, my skin is a lot softer and softer. My skin has become very sensitive to the sun, though so I have to put on spf 70 facial moisturizer. Will continue to use this product to see improvement on my forehead wrinkles.

I have been using for several weeks now and still no noticeable difference. I do have softer skin but wrinkles and fine lines are still very noticeable. BOO! HOO!

Unfortunately, I too have broken out from using ROC. It seems to make my skin very oily. A few times it has irritated my eyes a well which caused a burning feeling. The wrinkles that I want to focus on are in my forehead and seem to need more than 2 weeks to see any improvement. I'm not sure I'll be able to continue to use the product long enough to see a difference.

I've been using it off and one for a few weeks and I am noticing the wrinkles above my lip have been deminishing

I went on a cruise to Alaska for 2 weeks, took the cream with me and I love it! My younger sister went with me and asked why I wasn't as wrinkled as her! I may not tell her as she then said maybe it was because she is thinner

I haven't been able to continue using this product. First of all, I didn't see any improvement, didn't get any irritation, but then started breaking out. I didn't add any other new products to my regimen, so I stopped using the Roc and my skin cleared up. Oh well, perhaps if I had been able to use it nightly for an extended period, I might have seen the hoped for results.

My skin has never been smoother or clearer! I love this so much I went out and bought the daytime moisturizer as well!

I have been traveling a lot since receiving my samples and keep forgetting it. Not any more. Had 4 straight days now and my skin feels really smooth. I am hoping it will help my neck. I am 63 and have crepe neck now.

Skin looks great, wrinkles slowly not looking as prominent!

Wish I had enrolled in the program, I love reading all the reviews - many of you are experiencing awesome results so far!

In the past few weeks I have noticed that the little line on my nose are less pronounced.

I like RoC® RETINOL CORREXION® Deep Wrinkle Night Cream and highly recommend it. However, you do have to be careful if you are going out in the sun. despite using this product a night, my skin was sensitive after 10 days of use and became red and irritated. I had to start using the product every other day. After 4 weeks of use, I do like the product on an every other day basis followed by daily wear of sun screen. I have noticed changes in my fine lines and mild changes in my deep forehead wrinkles. I will continue to use this product.