Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef

Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef

              Rated #13 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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913 Reviews 3.1/5 stars
56% Recommended
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My daughter does not like red sauce so she didn't like it.

my son liked this one alot!

This wasn't my sons favorite. he said ii was ok.

My son liked it, but not as much as the spaghetti and meatballs. Although I would keep this on hand for something quick and easy when we are on the go.

The overall taste of this one wasn't bad, but it was a little bland. We added a little salt and pepper, and stired in some corn (my daughters fav. veggie), and then she loved it. It was quick and easy and something I know she will eat when we are in a hurry for dinner though so I will probablly buy this again for her.

The best meal out of the bunch. My kids felt satisfied (full) after eating it.

My daughter loved this one. I normally hate macaroni & beef, but when I tasted this, I wished I had one!

I really liked that this was easy for the kids to prepare on their own. Nice to have a fast dinner or treat that I do not have to prepare when time is short. My 3 yr old tried this flavor as did I, it was ok for flavor, but not great.

My 3 year old ate most of it. I added a little cheese on top, which I think made it more appealing. I just dislike the packaging as I had a difficult time pealing back the plastic. I don't like red sauce, so I didn't taste them with my daughter. I will have to trust her judgement on it.

My girls hated it. It was mushy with no taste. Even with as much sugar as they have it still is not appealling to the girls.

Something in the dish just had an odd taste. Not one of us here liked it. Felt really bad too. Also think they are a bit expensive too, even on sale!!

My son tried the Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef, he liked it and has since asked me to buy it for lunch. I will continue to buy this product to have on hand for quick lunches.

My Daughter loved this. She ate the whole thing

Very bland, smell was not good, sauce was to sweet but the noodles held up better in this one.

Our 5 year old did not enjoy this one either. She liked it better than the spaghetti, but it was still too sweet for her. I did like how quick they cooked.