Suzanne Collins The Hunger Game Series

Suzanne Collins The Hunger Game Series

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This is a great book for both teens and adults. It is an easy read that is hard to put down. Great story line with lots of action and adventure.

OMG!!! love this book!

This series is disturbing on a medium level. If you can get over the fact that its about killing people as a sport then this book is amazing. I enjoyed the drama

Post apocolyptic books are my favorite genre. This boom is amazing and I read it in a weekend and couldn't put it down. And now I'm crazy about the movie!

I have read all of the books in this series and loved every second of my escape into their world. Imagination is a powerful thing and my mind created such wonderful places in connection with the places described in these books. My 20 year old daughter gave me the first book when I was looking for something different to read. She and I don't normally read the same types of books but I honestly could not put the book down. When I finished the first one I went right out and got the others and read them too. If you are looking for adventure and a well written series I would definitely recommend these books.

Ok I must admit, that I wasn't sure about these books at first. It sounded too far fetched for me and cheesy. But then I saw the first movie and was hooked. I went back and read all 3 books immediately. It is well written, and the characters, though some seem strange to me, are very realistic and easy to like or associate with. The story is different than any others I have read and the world is vastly different and hard to imagine at first, but the whole story grows on you and hooks you and leaves you wanting to fight along with them. Must read Now.

My sister and friend and I each finished the series in less than a week about a year before the movies started coming out and no one knew what it was, trading around whichever book we needed. The story lines grip you and you can't help but get involved in the characters and their own internal struggles and the outlandish ways the antagonists acts. Would recommend to anyone looking for a good read and a series, but be warned, you won't want to put them down.

I believe I read this book in less than a week and I am a busy mom with little or no time to read. This book had me on the edge of my seat and I was not disappointed with any part of this book. It's amazing.

One of my all time favorite series! This series is an emotional rollercoaster, and will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time!

enjoyed reading with my middle school girls and discussing!!

This is my favorite book series of all time. The underlying references to our world today is absolutely amazing. Everyone should read these books.

Fantastic dystopian trilogy that will hook you immediately. Katniss is a great role model with strength and heart.

Wonderful series.I love to read especially if its a good book,which it was.Didn't want to put it down.

I would highly recommend this book to readers, even if you have seen the movie! Of course the original is always better and since the book is from Katniss' perspective there is a different edge.