Seltzer water is terrible These always taste terrible! Like metal- I don't even understand why people would buy them. Just as "refreshing " as day old water
La croix tastes like sparkling water not worth the extra money because they all taste the same. These drinks are more like a status symbol then an way to stay health.
Gross!!! Waste of money! Was told this would be a good replacement for pop to help me quit. Not at all! Tastes horrible and gave me heart burn.
Meh I personally do not enjoy La Croix. I don't like the taste. I would say it taste like battery acid. I don't understand the hype. :/
just okay Not bad but not the best bubbly water I have tried. To me its overrated. I honestly like some other brands better for the price.
Flavor is _very_ mild. These are healthy and refreshing. My main problem is that the flavors aren't very strong. If you go in expecting mildly flavored sparkling water, then you'll be fine. If you expect notable flavor, you might be disappointed.
I don't get it These seem to everywhere, and those who love La Croix really, really love it. For me, the flavors just don't taste like the flavors they're intended to be, they taste like a imperfect impersonation of that flavor. Of the ones I've tried, Lime is probably the best, Pamplemousse the worst.
Ok I love the labeling on these, which enticed me to purchase some, for more that I would normally pay. It was ok, nothing special, the flavors are not strong. Overpriced, you could get something better for less. But the label is the best.
Just Okay A bit pricey, but there are some flavors we enjoy, others not so much. Basically a hit or miss based on what you and your family would enjoy. So for me, it's just okay.
Great in place of soda I enjoy these when I want the fizz of soda without the extra sugar. My favorite flavors are grapefruit and coconut. I only gave this product three stars because while I do enjoy it, I have found that less inexpensive brands taste just as good.
good quality We like this water as a change of pace from still water. Nice flavors.
My husband and I used to be addicted to soda and energy drinks. We switched to these right off the bat and they are great substitutes! It takes a little bit to get used to (after drinking Dr Pepper for so long). I think the grapefruit is the best!
These drinks have less sugar and calories and it does not taste as bad as some of the sparkling waters that are out there with the same amount of sugar.
Worth the extra cost Most flavors are delicious! Will often see these in my home. Even my teen loves them! Bit pricey, though.
Different flavored This item was not for me. Atleast not the peach flavor. The after taste was, eww. Some are okay,