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I am sick every other week....saying my immune system is bad is probably the biggest understatement of the century...what can i do to make it stronger???
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on Sep 12, 2009 (Read 12560 times | Comments: 15)
I was always the kid getting sick when i was younger but i have noticed over the years it has gotten substantially worse. Every time i turn around i have a virus, strep, the flu even. I have had the strep 6 times now and the flu 5 times since i was 15, and Im 19 years old. in between the strep or the flu i get sick with other things like colds stomach issues etc... this is rediculous...its an every year occurance. i know that i will have strep and the flu at least once thru out the year. i even get the flu when i have gotten the flu shot. i basically get the flu shot not to stop myself from getting the flu but to make it not as bad on me...so that maybe my tempature wont go above 103 degrees this time. it sounds dramatic i know but im so desperate...i dont know what to do anymore...people actually think im faking everything until the doc confirms it now. Everyone thinks it a joke since it happens so often. Well i dont think its a joke. it affects my life.

on Oct 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

What does the doctor think? Have you been tested for autoimmune diseases?

on Oct 09, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Oh boy have I been where you are now! I have Celiac Disease which is an auto immune disease and your story sounds so familiar, so typical of an auto immune disease. My family used to call me a hypochondriac and even some doctors would say it was in my head...you know, when some of them can't figure it out they blame the patient instead of saying they don't know. Growing up I was always sick, never had energy, constant canker sores, muscle aches and cramps and when I got older and married I had multiple miscarriages. I had been diagnosed with everything from IBS to Fibromyalgia to Depression. Just before I turned 30 I got very very sick and thankfully that led me to a doctor who made my diagnoses. It really does sound like you have some auto immune disease going on.

on Oct 10, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

brunette10, you could get your dr to run some blood work tests for igg to check your immune system. the specialist to see is an immunologist (allergist/immunologist). rheumotologist also deal with auto immune problems. TheRetroHousewife, your miscarriages could be from an immune problem.

on Oct 10, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yes I know my miscarriages were from the auto immune disease that I have (Celiac Disease is an auto immune disease not a gluten allergy as most people tend to think)

on Oct 28, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

What has worked for me and my family is a product called Original Limu. My sister got me on this and it has worked for me. My allergies are nowhere what they used to be, sometimes i just get a slight sniffle. It's also helped with food cravings and i have not had a serious cold or the flu in the last 2 years. prior to that i was constantly getting sinus infections (due to the allergies) and missing work. I don't like taking prescription drugs because of all the side effects. My cholesterol levels have also improved. This is just my experience. Original Limu contains fuciodan - for more information go to http://discoverlimu.com/aurora. I found this to be such a good product that my whole family drinks it (none of us have gotten the flu) so i became a distributor. We drink it every day, twice a day.

on Oct 29, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I relate to you, really. For me it took not being able to breathe. I got terrible allergies year round. I was going to an allergist for shots that helped a lot, but then I had severe breathing difficulties. My doctor recommended a pulmonologist who told me I had severe asthma. I am not saying this would work for you, but he put me on the strongest dose of an inhaler which I had to use twice a day. I have now tapered down to the lowest dosage of that medicine along with two other prescriptions, one of which I only use if I need it and then the dose used depends on how much I need at the time, and I can tell you that my allergies are pretty well non-existent now and my breathing has improved multi-fold. I would say keep perservering.

on Oct 29, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Sounds simplistic but eats LOTS of yogurt! I swear by it. Start eating organically as much as possible - another change I've made in the last couple years. Good food will help heal your body as you go through the medical process. They can compliment one another.

on Oct 30, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I watched a doc on tv (larry king, one of those shows). In any event, he was discussing how people in the u.s. take a pill for everything in comparison to the rest of the world. That discussion lead to the flu vaccine, h1n1 vaccine, et cetera. He was saying the best thing you can do to boost your immune system is take something with astragalus. I hope I'm spelling that correctly. Anyway, I asked my local cvs pharmacist and she advised me that atragalus is a plant and that you can find it in online. My dilemma, which product to choose??? It seems it's widely used on a regular basis in just about every other area of the world. Maybe try going to your local GNC for which product to choose? Also, I've been a big believer in acidopholus, which you can buy in cvs. It basically regulates the "flora" within your intestines. I haven't had an intestinal bug in years. I understand eating yogurt will do the same thing. I hope this helps! Good luck!

on Oct 30, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've been taking Zrii, a liquid nutritional. for info go to www.geo.myzrii.com, research the ingredients, I've been taking it for 3 months and i've felt great. It's good for the whole body in general and it's endorsed by Dr Deepak Chopra and his wellness center. It has a money back guarantee also.

on Oct 30, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree with srtasa that you should have someone check your IGG levels. I almost died from pneumococal meningitis 13 years ago because I no longer had the ability to fight off infection. This was confirmed by checking all the IG levels in your system. I was diagnosed with Common Variable Immunodeficiency and receive treatments every 3 weeks to help me fight off infection. I would suggest seeing am immunologist as a starting point. There are various levels of primary immune deficiencies.
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