The Ploy of Soy

   By estherblum  Oct 21, 2009

The ploy of soy is a big one. There are so many claims that it has health benefits and is the perfect substitute for animal protein. I used to eat a lot of soy myself, but over the years I have unearthed some hard truths that now make me think twice about consuming soy. 

It’s true, many studies have shown traditionally fermented soy--which is the form that is very popular in many Asian cultures--aids in preventing and reducing a variety of diseases including certain forms of heart disease and cancers.  But just to be safe, I recommend using these products as a condiment, and not the mainstay of your meals.

I’ve come to believe through my years of research and practice, that soy is not the wonder food product makers claim it to be. Let’s delve deeper into some of the bigger problems with soy:



·     Soy lacks methionine?an essential amino acid required to build muscle. I guess that’s why you don’t see a lot of vegetarian body builders.

·     Soy suppresses thyroid function because it contains phytoestrogens that can disrupt hormonal balance.

·     Soybeans are high in phytic acid, which, in large amounts, can block the uptake of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc in the intestinal tract.

·     Soybeans are very new to the food chain of modern man, since it was never used for food in paleolithic times.  Many people are not only allergic to soy, but suffer with extreme gas and bloating from it.  If you have any type of autoimmune condition, especially colitis or celiac disease, you should remove soy from your diet immediately.

·     Soy is very high in arginine, and can exacerbate cold sores and herpes outbreaks.

If you’re trying to get soy out of your diet, you should know that soy is often a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and can have many aliases: Food processors are less likely to list the three letter word "soy" than a technical term such as "textured vegetable protein" (TVP), "textured plant protein", "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" (HVP), "vegetable oil" or "MSG" (monosodium glutamate). Ingredient lists also include words such as "vegetable oil", "vegetable broth", "boullion", "natural flavor" or "mono-diglyceride" that do not necessarily come from soy, but are likely to. Soy is found in everything from Pizza Hut to Baskin Robbins to vitamins and, yes?even asthma inhalers..

If you do consume soy, I suggest you use it judiciously and only in its fermented form: miso, natto, tempeh, soy sauces, and fermented tofu.  The fermentation process stops the effect of phytic acid and increases the availability of isoflavones. The fermentation also creates the probiotics--the "good" bacteria that increase the quantity, availability, digestibility and assimilation of nutrients in the body.

What’s your take on soy?  







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Kathil19 by Kathil19 | cherry valley, NY
Oct 29, 2009

Soy Is NOT good for you!!! Especially young girls and woman who are trying to have babies. My daughter has precousious puberty. The first question the doctor asked when we went in was is she drinking soy milk? she was on a daily basis. Trust me on this effects the hormones of your kids. I have researched this and although there are conflicting beliefs why take the chance. we will never know if the soy milk was the sole problem but my daughter will have to have hormone shots for the next 7 years and i strongly reccoommend parents doing research on this..

nyy4000 by nyy4000 | WOODBURY, CT
Oct 28, 2009

Very interesting article. I have found in the last few years or so that I have been having allergic reactions to something used in different food products. Haven't been able to pinpoint what it could be. Now I'm wondering about soy....

leopat1010 by leopat1010 | Pawtucket, RI
Oct 28, 2009

Everything in moderation is the key.

Texmel by Texmel | COLORADO SPGS, CO
Oct 27, 2009

What's your take on edamame? You know, the soy beans you can get that are boiled in the skin and you pop them out of the skin and eat them? My family loves them, altho we only get them when we go to Asian restaurants (my picky boys don't like the way I make them).....

jlincon71 by jlincon71 | san antonio, TX
Oct 26, 2009

Wow I didn't know this about soy maybe i should lower my soy intake.

scibirg by scibirg | Alamogordo, NM
Oct 26, 2009

If you are allergic to milk, try rice milk. Tastes yummy! Also, I heard that soy may have female hormones in it.

mrazzi45 by mrazzi45 | philadelphia, PA
Oct 26, 2009

I have hypothyroidism ...badly ! I knew nothing about soy = low thyroid ?:(

mrazzi45 by mrazzi45 | philadelphia, PA
Oct 26, 2009

My 18 yo son is anaphylactic to milk products ....if it wern't for soy ...????? who knows ! mrazzi45@aol.ccom

pjgriff by pjgriff | OMAHA, NE
Oct 23, 2009

I drank the soy shakes for a couple years, and found out my thyroid was low. Now I have to take thyroid medication, Sometimes I wonder if I didn't screw up my thyroid drinking the shakes.

mazziemae by mazziemae | CINCINNATI, OH
Oct 23, 2009

meant thyroid

mazziemae by mazziemae | CINCINNATI, OH
Oct 23, 2009

I was told I shouldn't eat it because of my thyriod

msfriendly by msfriendly | MONROE, WI
Oct 23, 2009

I think that if you eat a balanced diet and don't overdo any one food, that soy is OK.

momagarry by momagarry | MILWAUKEE, WI
Oct 22, 2009

I am trying to get my family to eat more soy products. They are so healthy for us:)