5 Tips & 5 Giveaways to Improve Your Sleep

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Jan 10, 2012

Boost your mood, improve your resolve and regulate your eating habits with some extra zzz's. 

Do you pay attention to how much sleep you get each night or do you sometimes cheat yourself from valuable sleep time?  Sleep is not just vital for regular functions it's also important to help us with stress management and reducing daytime fatigue. 

If you gave yourself some new diet and fitness resolutions this year or you're working to cut back or quit a habit, you should include extra sleep in your plan.  It will help improve your mood when you are feeling deprived and increase your resolve to meet that goal.  Many people make bad food choices when they are tired.  Do you want to be sharp and full of energy every day?  Well, it may be easier to achieve than you may think.  How you feel while you are awake, greatly depends on how you sleep.

If you struggle to get a good night of sleep you are not alone.  Some people find it difficult to sleep through the night without at least one bout of restlessness or running to the bathroom. Others find it difficult to fall asleep or wake up in the morning.  According to a recent SheSpeaks poll 62.8% of you said you sleep poorly during these days of shorter daylight. 17.5% reported having continuous sleep problems. Many of the problems that make it difficult to sleep are emotional or environmental. Reducing these factors will help your ability to sleep through the night.

Some simple sleep strategies can be essential for a deep sleep. Here are our five sleep-promoting techniques to enhance the quality of sleep you get:

  1. Keep a regular sleep schedule: Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every day.
  2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Keep noise down with a sound machine or fan and keep your room slightly cool (around around 65° F).
  3. Exercise regularly: 30mins of activity anytime during the day will help you sleep more deeply. You can also do stretches before bed.
  4. Eat right: Avoid large meals at night, cut down on caffeine after lunch, and refrain from drinking alcohol before bed. Alcohol will create a restless sleep waking you up 4-5hours in. If you want a light snack around bedtime aim for a low-sugar cereal, granola or banana.
  5. Read at bedtime: Watching TV before bed stimulates your brain and therefore wakes you up. Reading a book is both non-stimulating and will keep you out of your head, helping you avoid stressing and planning the next day.

Most importantly, remember to make sleep a priority. Instead of cutting back on it for other tasks you have to complete, schedule it on your list. Having a good night rest will lay the foundation for a more productive, creative day.

Do you have certain products you use to help relax and get comfortable for a good night's sleep, maybe a clock, or super soft bedding, a favorite bath product or a good book?  Whatever you use to get ready for bed we'd like to hear your recommendations.

If you share your reviews and recommendations this week you'll be entered for a chance to win one of our giveaway prizes. Submit your favorite sleep, slumber or relaxation product to SheSpeaks Reviews OR add a comment to this blog post by 6pm EST on January 16th, 2011. You can enter a review AND a comment and you will have two entries to win!



Philips Wake-up Light

S2H STEP Pedometer (3 winners)

Lavender Chamomile Bubble
Bath by Deep Steep


The contest starts January 10, 2012 and ends January 16, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. Must be a US resident. No purchase necessary.


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clmadrigal by clmadrigal | FORTSON, GA
Jan 11, 2012

We bought a sound machine for my newborn daughter who shares a room with us. One of the sound options is a light rain shower and since we started the sound machine for her I sleep better too!

tnshadylady by tnshadylady | FRIENDSHIP, TN
Jan 11, 2012

I finally realized that my 2 fur babies were disturbing my sleep. It wasn't easy to make the decision to ban them from my bedroom (at least while I'm sleeping) but I'm getting MUCH better sleep now.

Rhiviews by Rhiviews | GREAT FALLS, MT
Jan 11, 2012

My bedtime ritual starts with a shower where I use a shower cream or gel with a relaxing scent. My current favorite is Mama Mio OMega Shower Cream. Then I'll slather on a lotion with a calming scent note in it like lavender or vanilla. As a life-long insomniac who can't take most sleep aids thanks to interactions with medication I swear by a cup of Sleepytime Tea from Celestial Seasonings and a pair of thick socks on tough nights. If comfort is an issue I also recommend a down pillow, my chiropractor made me buy one because my old pillow was not only not helping my neck injury heal but not helping me get comfortable fast enough. When in doubt a little Diphenhydramine (ie. Benadryl) is what my neurologist has me take. My husband likes to run a fan for the noise but I find noise hard to sleep with so we compromised with an app on my iPad that makes brown noise instead of white (I never even knew there was such a thing before the app) which doesn't bother me as much.

wstoippy by wstoippy | Land O Lakes, FL
Jan 11, 2012

After years of insomnia, I found a miracle product. Mercola.com sells a sublingual Melatonin spray that WORKS. Hallelujah. I have recommended it to many people who have had great success with it. For some reason, it is the only melatonin that worked for me.

stomper1784 by stomper1784 | LIBERTY, NC
Jan 11, 2012

in order to sleep, i have to have my memory foam mattress topper!! it is so comfy and soft..i still can sleep without it, but my best sleep is with it!!

noritaarf by noritaarf | Tulsa, OK
Jan 11, 2012

I do about an hour of crossfit in the evenings... and that usually does the trick!

pinkosage by pinkosage | PITTSBURG, KS
Jan 11, 2012

I LOVE my sleep number bed! It has been the best investment I have made! I sleep like a baby now!

Gambitpjr by Gambitpjr | POTTSTOWN, PA
Jan 11, 2012

I take a bath in Johnson's bedtime bath which I also use for my kids. I also apply aromatherapy sleep lotion by bath and body works and take melatonin.

kandis379 by kandis379 | Marietta, GA
Jan 11, 2012

I like to give myself 5-10 minutes to give myself a foot rub with a good foot cream to help me wind down and get ready for sleep. I also always sleep with a fan for the subtle noise it makes.

Jan 11, 2012

All of the suggestions are good ones, I especially love the book and lavendar and use most of them to promote sleep on a regular basis. It's tough enough getting a full nights sleep but bathing too close to bedtime just wakes me up so that's left for the am and a brisk shower.

bitsybee8 by bitsybee8 | Prescott Valley, AZ
Jan 11, 2012

I found that I get an excellent night's sleep when I spray a lavender linen spray on my pillows. It is such a calming and relaxing smell. The spray doesn't stain the linens and leaves a pretty smell that seems to last all night long. If I can't fall asleep even with the spray, I normally get up and read a book for a few minutes until I start to feel tired again. Also I found that stretching before I go to bed seems to help me relax and feel more sleepy.

kwitter by kwitter | LEWISVILLE, TX
Jan 11, 2012

Warm bath with a glass of wine and soft music and dimmed lights.

ramblngirl by ramblngirl | rockwall, TX
Jan 11, 2012

I love my tempupedic mattress. I am sure you have other reviews about this so I will add my review of my new latex pillow. I am a side sleeper and this is firm, soft, and holds it's shape for a longgggggg time. It also stays pretty cool at night. I bought one for myself a while ago and went back to get my husband one and they were sold out for weeks. I guess the word got around.

LadySpeaks66 by LadySpeaks66 | GLEN COVE, NY
Jan 11, 2012

My sister gave me a beautiful hand crafted angel with lavender in it. It's always at my bedside. I like a nice warm bath with lavender oil to help me relax. A nice cup of chamomile tea and some soothing music gets me ready for a restful night. I used to fall asleep with the tv on, but no more of that. I realized how much better I slept when there was a storm and I lost power for several days. Sleeping without the tv on was great. I made a playlist of my favorite "chill out" music and put it on my MP3 player. Put my earphones on and I'm good. If all else fails, I try and find a Jennifer Aniston movie...that ALWAYS bores me to tears, making me good n drowsy! =-P

indygrandma by indygrandma | unsubscribe, IN
Jan 11, 2012

I never thought I'd have trouble sleeping, but menopause really wreaked havoc on getting a good night's rest !! After over 7 years of hot flashes and the sleep problems they cause, I'm not sure there are any magic "cures". I do my best to relax in the evenings, and sometimes enjoy a cup of hot chocolate shortly before turning in. If I find I really can't fall asleep, I end up on the sofa and let the electronic sleep machine (a.k.a. the television) put me to sleep.