Share Your Holiday Traditions to Win

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Dec 07, 2011

There are plenty of signs that the holidays are coming.  The nights get darker earlier, the weather starts to get colder and in some parts of the country it's already snowing. City streets are decorated with lights and garlands and store windows are embossed with snowy scenes.  With Thanksgiving now passed, how do you make the holidays fun and keep the spirit running through the end of the year?

For many of us the holidays is a time when we return to a childhood feeling but there is always opportunity to introduce a new tradition for you and your family.  What do you like to do to make this time of year special?  It's so much fun to go out for coffee or have wine with old friends or perhaps you go ice skating or take winter walk.  If you love crafts or cooking there's such a huge variety of fabulous recipes and projects you can make and thanks to the internet the new and creative ideas for the holidays are endless.  For some of us, making popcorn, kicking back and watching a family movie is the perfect way to spend family time together.

We'd like to hear your favorite, most creative or best loved holiday tradition or a review of your favorite holiday movie.

To be entered to win one of our prizes this week, simply create a review for a holiday movie or share your holiday traditions in the comment section below.  Maybe you'll get some ideas to add to your family favorites this year!




The All-American Cookie Book by Nancy Baggett

Create-a-treat Gingerbread House

Love Actually (Blu-ray)

Snow by Cynthia Rylant

The Nightmare Before Christmas Collector's Edition (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition with Blue Eyed North Pole Pixie-Elf


The contest starts Dec 7, 2011 and ends Dec 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.  Must be a US resident. No purchase necessary.

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tammiejohnson by tammiejohnson | GLENCOE, AL
Dec 07, 2011

One tradition we have is for the kids to bring out their computer and play their favorite Christmas songs while we all decorate the tree. They also always have their best friend over and they decorate a ginger bread house.

nbmgwtw by nbmgwtw | Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Dec 07, 2011

Every year the entire family helps put the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Then my sister and I leave the room while my mother puts six ornaments that are dolls of the world in glass cases on the tree. She calls us in when she has placed them and my sister and I see who can find the all first. We have been doing this for about 30 years and it still makes me feel like a little girl all of the time.

friendsofstcorn by friendsofstcorn | CHADDS FORD, PA
Dec 07, 2011

We have a family Christmas contest....everyone from grandchildren to grandparents compete in the Christmas throw-down. The first year it was decorating gingerbread houses, then cookies, then diaromas, ..... this year it's clear glass ornaments.....everyone gets together to work on the project and we have all kinds of laughs as we judge whose is best. It has become bragging rights take all......super fun and a great way to de-stress and focus on what's important---family time!

Creativemama22 by Creativemama22 | OREGONIA, OH
Dec 07, 2011

One of our best holiday traditions is the Nativity scene set up. When I was three a dear family friend made the nativity scene out of ceramic with the 3 wise men, sheep herder as well as sheep, camels, a little boy and girl, Mary, Joseph, a donkey and baby Jesus. There is real gold on many of the pieces and each character of the scene has very intricate eyelashes and other details. Each year I could not wait until I could put the Nativity scene up, it was the highlight of the season for me! When I became a mom ten years ago the set was handed down to me and we continue the tradition to this day. My son knows that it does not matter about toys so much, he knows what the true meaning of Christmas is.

britski by britski | WILMINGTON, DE
Dec 07, 2011

On Christmas Eve an awesome tradition that our family follows every year for the small kids in the family is to get a large pair of boots, and starting at the front door, place a boot down, sprinkle baking soda around the outside of the boot, leaving an outline.. Continue on to the Christmas tree or wherever Santa leaves presents in your home. It looks amazingly like Santa walked in with snow on his boots and left a mess while he delivered goodies for all. I can honestly say this tradition has kept our kids believing in Santa long after their friends and classmates had given up believing. It really is so much fun to see their faces on Christmas morning. (Cleanup is super easy and the baking soda is actually good for carpets.)

gusgirl by gusgirl | NEWHALL, CA
Dec 07, 2011

I love when we get to go out and cut down our Christmas tree. Then the next day we turn on the music, have hot chocolate, cookies, and decorate the tree. A great way for our family (and friends) to bond.

Tootsieroll50 by Tootsieroll50 | Arlington, VA
Dec 07, 2011

Our holiday tradition has always been to put out cookies and milk for Santa. All my siblings and I are all over the age of 21, and my mom still insist on leaving cookies and milk out for Santa. It's so cute. With us all being adults, my still believes in Santa :)

sheilassecret by sheilassecret | WELLSVILLE, OH
Dec 07, 2011

We have several holiday traditions, but my kids favorite is our pickle ornament. Every Christmas Eve I will secretly hang the pickle ornament on the tree (typically hidden somewhere underneath or in the middle) and the first child to find the ornament in the morning gets a $5 bill.

shawndra by shawndra | UNION, WA
Dec 07, 2011

My favorite tradition is for the whole family to ride the ferry across Bremerton to Seattle looking at all the Christmas lights.

plong22 by plong22 | BLAIRSVILLE, PA
Dec 07, 2011

We always go to Christmas Eve service and then come home, have hot chocolate and Christmas cookies, and the kids get to open 1 present before going to bed.

begreer by begreer | Hephzibah, GA
Dec 07, 2011

Since my oldest daughter (21) had her first Christmas, we would take my children out looking at Christmas lights while Santa came. My parents and my grandfather and brothers would come to my house and watch the kids with presents then we would go to my parents house to open presents. Now I still open presents at my house on Christmas Eve with my children (my grandpa is gone to Heaven, my parents and brother aren't able to get out due to disability and my other brother is married with kids) and we go to my parent's house to open more. Then Christmas morning we all gather at my parent's house and cook and eat. About 2 years ago my oldest daughter wanted to start a new tradition between me and her so we are doing Christmas ornaments to each other every year. Next year she will have her own baby so I am sure we will do new things. :)

greenteamom56 by greenteamom56 | Honey Brook, PA
Dec 07, 2011

Our family tradition is every Christmas Eve we have all family members to our home for a gift exchange and some wonderful time spent together. I get up early and put a huge pot of sauce on with meat balls and sausage and put out hard rolls for hot sandwhices along with trays of cookies, pretzels, chips and lots of treats. A good time is had by all.

blascek by blascek | SARVER, PA
Dec 07, 2011

As the big day draws near, the "elves" make periodic visits to the house, leaving little treats and surprises. Candy, gum, mints, nail polish, small books, neat pencils or pens etc. And of course they leave new PJs for all to wear on Christmas Eve..

Dec 07, 2011

#JingleHugs to everyone at SheSpeaks *+* Our Other Traditions are gathering Kleenex boxes and each of the kids make their own Ginger Bread houses. Then they put them under the tree and on Christmas Morning they all sit eating their Ginger bread houses while Christmas Music is being played by one of the family member on the piano. Been doing that for years it seems to be a happy moment for all. Thank you, Merry Christmas to you & your families.

LivinginLaLaLand by LivinginLaLaLand | Price, UT
Dec 07, 2011

Every Christmas Eve, we go to Midnight Mass as a family; sing, enjoy the reason for the season and then we head to my moms house for pesole(Mexican soup) and open presents! I am looking forward to this Christmas;)